• openAccess   A Journey into the Heart of Workaholism: empirical findings from several multi-sample studies 

      Del Líbano Miralles, Mario Universitat Jaume I (2011-03-09)
      La adicción al trabajo es un concepto que con el tiempo ha generado cada vez mayor interés e investigación. A través de la realización de 5 estudios empíricos, en esta tesis se profundiza todavía más en su estudio. ...
    • openAccess   About the Dark and Bright Sides of Self-efficacy: Workaholism and Work Engagement 

      Del Líbano, Mario; Llorens Gumbau, Susana; Salanova, Marisa; Schaufeli, Wilmar Cambridge University Press (2012-07)
      Taking the Resources-Experiences-Demands Model (RED Model) by Salanova and colleagues as our starting point, we tested how work self-efficacy relates positively to negative (i.e., work overload and work-family conflict) ...
    • openAccess   You work may be killing you! Workaholism, sleep problems and cardiovascular risk 

      Salanova, Marisa; López González, Ángel Arturo; Llorens Gumbau, Susana; Del Líbano, Mario; Vicente Herrero, Mª Teófila; Tomás Salvá, Matias Taylor & Francis (2016-07)
      This study tests the relationships between workaholism (i.e. working excessively and compulsively), sleep problems and cardiovascular risk in 537 employees from five Spanish hospitals. Four types of worker (i.e. workaholics, ...