• closedAccess   A note on market timing: Interim trading and the performance of holdings-based and return-based measures 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos Eselvier (2015)
      Market timing is the ability of portfolio managers to anticipate stock market return by increasing (decreasing) portfolio sensitivity in upward (downward) markets. To assess market timing, the financial literature has ...
    • closedAccess   Anatomy of a Stablecoin’s failure: The Terra-Luna case 

      Briola, Antonio; Vidal-Tomás, David; Wang, Yuanrong Elsevier (2023)
      We quantitatively describe the main events that led to the Terra project’s failure in May 2022. We first review, in a systematic way, news from heterogeneous social media sources; we discuss the fragility of the Terra ...
    • closedAccess   Blockchain, sport and fan tokens 

      Vidal-Tomás, David Emerald (2023-04-28)
      Purpose This paper provides a thorough examination of Socios.com, a blockchain platform that integrates token sales with the fan experience in the sports industry. The study focuses on three key aspects: the performance, ...
    • openAccess   FTX’s downfall and Binance’s consolidation: The fragility of centralised digital finance 

      Vidal Tomás, David; Briola, Antonio; Aste, Tomaso Elsevier ScienceDirect (2023-07-16)
      This paper investigates the causes and the consequences of the FTX digital currency exchange’s failure in November 2022. Analysing on-chain data, we report that FTX heavily relied on leveraging and misusing its native ...
    • openAccess   Mutual fund performance and changes in factor exposure 

      Bessler, Wolfgang; Conlon, Thomas; de Mingo-López, Diego Víctor; Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos Wiley (2022-03-21)
      In this article, we examine whether active mutual funds that markedly change their exposure to systematic risk factors subsequently outperform. We propose a new returns-based approach to assess the degree to which mutual ...
    • openAccess   Mutual fund performance: banking versus independent managers 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Soler-Dominguez, Amparo; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Taylor & Francis (2011-09-09)
      We examine the performance of mutual fund managers for a sample of Spanish mutual funds considering data on active management, loads, size and the number of funds managed per manager. We find evidence of differences in ...
    • openAccess   On management risk and price in the mutual fund industry: style and performance distribution analysis 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Soler-Dominguez, Amparo; de Mingo-López, Diego Víctor Palgrave Macmillan (2021-06-01)
      This study shows how investing in mutual funds involves an additional risk, which we call management risk as a consequence of the uncertainty in the results of active management. To address this issue, we analyze a sample ...
    • closedAccess   Socially (ir)responsible investing? The performance of the VICEX Fund from a business cycle perspective 

      Soler-Dominguez, Amparo; Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos Elsevier (2016-02)
      We assess the performance of the VICEX Fund, which lies at the opposite end of the spectrum to socially responsible mutual funds (SRMF). This fund is morally controversial due to its higher return premium on investments ...
    • openAccess   The entry and exit dynamics of the cryptocurrency market 

      Vidal-Tomás, David Elsevier (2021-08-05)
      This paper presents an analysis of the entry and exit dynamics of the cryptocurrency market that focuses on the growth of initial coin offerings during 2015–2020. We used two different datasets: one includes long-lived ...
    • openAccess   The role of passive effects in the relationship between active management and short-term performance: Evidence from mutual fund portfolio holdings 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; de Mingo-López, Diego Víctor Elsevier (2024)
      This study proposes a new method to measure active management in a given quarter based on the correlation between fund returns and the returns of a passively-managed synthetic portfolio emulating fund portfolio holdings. ...
    • closedAccess   Which cryptocurrency data sources should scholars use? 

      Vidal-Tomás, David Elsevier (2022-02-16)
      Inspired by Alexander and Dakos (2020), we shed more light on the adequacy of data in the cryptocurrency literature by analysing the scaling properties and underlying processes of the main cryptocurrency databases ...
    • closedAccess   Why is timing perverse? 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Moreno, David; Rodríguez, Rosa Taylor & Francis (2015)
      The existence of negative market timing, even for passive portfolios, poses a relevant puzzle when assessing portfolio management. In this paper, we develop a simple theoretical model so as to explain why such perverse ...