Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • openAccess   Firm–bank credit network, business cycle and macroprudential policy 

      RICCETTI, LUCA; Russo, Alberto; Gallegati, Mauro Springer (2021-02-13)
      We present an agent-based model to study firm–bank credit market interactions in different phases of the business cycle. The business cycle is exogenously set, and it can give rise to various scenarios. Compared to other ...
    • openAccess   Voluntary insurance vs. stabilization funds: An experimental analysis on bank runs 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; Grimalda, Gianluca; Teglio, Andrea Elsevier (2024-03-19)
      Banking crises have recurrently emphasized the crucial need for establishing effective mechanisms to prevent bank runs, and different organizations are exploring a range of potential measures. With the aim of contributing ...