• openAccess   Dual topologies on non-abelian groups 

      Ferrer González, María Vicenta; Hernández, Salvador Elsevier (2012-06)
      The notion of locally quasi-convex abelian group, introduced by Vilenkin, is extended to maximally almost periodic non-necessarily abelian groups. For that purpose, we look at certain bornologies that can be defined on the ...
    • closedAccess   Precompact groups and property (T) 

      Ferrer González, María Vicenta; Hernández, Salvador; Uspenskij, Vladimir Elsevier (2013-08)
      For a topological group GG, the dual object View the MathML sourceĜ is defined as the set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations of GG equipped with the Fell topology. It is well known that, if GG ...
    • closedAccess   Uncountable products of determined groups need not be determined 

      Hernández, Salvador; Macario, Sergio; Trigos, Javier Elsevier (2008)
      If H is a dense subgroup of G, we say that H determines G if their groups of characters are topologically isomorphic when equipped with the compact open topology. If every dense subgroup of G determines G, then we say that ...