• openAccess   La huella psicosocial de la COVID-19 en la población trabajadora: conclusiones y aprendizaje 

      Miñarro Yanini, Margarita Centro de Estudios Financieros (2021-08)
      La pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto especialmente negativo en determinados colectivos, entre los que se encuentra el personal sanitario y el de atención en residencias de la tercera edad. Tras esta situación ...
    • openAccess   El huerto didáctico para la formación de maestros/as en la Universitat Jaume I 

      Monferrer, Lidón; Adelantado-Renau, Mireia Red de Universidades Cultivadas (RUC) (2023)
      Los huertos didácticos proporcionan contextos reales y promueven aprendizajes relevantes En maestros/as en formación inicial han mostrado favorecer el aprendizaje significativo y competencial promoviendo la reflexión ...
    • openAccess   El huerto ecodidáctico como contexto para favorecer el aprendizaje de la alimentación saludable y sostenible en educación superior 

      Custodio-Ferrando, Ana; Ramon-Amela, Luis David; Adelantado-Renau, Mireia; Beltran Valls, Maria Reyes McGraw Hill Interamericana de España (2022)
    • openAccess   Huerto, ¿se escribe con hache? Una experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo en secundaria 

      Traver-Martí, Joan Andrés; Sáez Benito, Josep Àngel Editorial Graó (2008)
      En el presente artículo se relata una experiencia educativa realizada con alumnado de ESO mediante la organización de la clase en grupos estables de aprendizaje cooperativo. A partir de un proyecto de trabajo centrado ...
    • openAccess   Hugging as a buffer against distal fear of death 

      Pinazo, Daniel; Arahuete Ribes, Lorena; Correas, Noemí Universidad de Flores (UFLO) (2020-10-08)
      Hugging can be a source of health, comfort or pleasure, although these effects depend on the context in which the physical contact takes place (Ellingsen et al., 2016). The present study analyzedthe capacity of ...
    • openAccess   La huida de un rey. Reflejos de un mosaico pompeyano en las versiones de Alejandro de Robert Rossen (1956) y Oliver Stone (2005) 

      Mínguez, Víctor Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2018)
      La batalla de Qadesh (1274 a.C.), la més important de l’Edat del Bronze i el combat més gran de carros de la Història, fou narrada pels dos imperis contendents –l’egipci i l’hitita– com una victòria, fins el punt que a dia ...
    • openAccess   Human gesture recognition under degraded environments using 3D-integral imaging and deep learning 

      Krishnan, Gokul; Joshi, Rakesh; O’Connor, Timothy; Pla, Filiberto; Javidi, Bahram Optical Society of America (2020)
      In this paper, we propose a spatio-temporal human gesture recognition algorithm under degraded conditions using three-dimensional integral imaging and deep learning. The proposed algorithm leverages the advantages of ...
    • closedAccess   Human gesture recognition using three-dimensional integral imaging 

      Traver Roig, Vicente Javier; Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Salvador Balaguer, Eva; Pla, Filiberto; Javidi, Bahram Optical Society of America (2014)
      Three-dimensional (3D) integral imaging allows one to reconstruct a 3D scene, including range information, and provides sectional refocused imaging of 3D objects at different ranges. This paper explores the potential use ...
    • openAccess   Human hand kinematic data during feeding and cooking tasks 

      Roda-Sales, Alba; Vergara, Margarita; Sancho-Bru, Joaquin L.; Gracia-Ibáñez, Verónica; Jarque-Bou, Néstor J Nature Research (2019)
      this work presents a database of human hand kinematics containing data collected during the performance of a wide variety of activities of daily living involving feeding and cooking. the data were recorded using CyberGlove ...
    • closedAccess   Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change 

      Cattaneo, Cristina; Beine, Michel; Fröhlich, Christiane J.; Dominic, Kniveton; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Mastrorillo, Marina; Millock, Katrin; Piguet, Etienne; Schraven, Benjamin Oxford University Press (2019)
      Migration is one response to climatic stress and shocks. In this article we review the recent literature across various disciplines on the effects of climate change on migration. We explore key features of the relationship ...
    • openAccess   Human Milk Antioxidative Modifications in Mastitis: Further Beneficial Effects of Cranberry Supplementation 

      Valls-Bellés, Victoria; Abad, Cristina; HERNANDEZ-AGUILAR, MARIA-TERESA; Nacher, Amalia; Guerrero, Carlos; Baliño, Pablo; Romero, Francisco J; Muriach, Maria MDPI (2022)
      Mastitis is the inflammation of one or several mammal lobes which can be accompanied by a mammary gland infection, and is the leading cause of undesired early weaning in humans. However, little information exists regarding ...
    • openAccess   Human or Computer Assisted Interactive Transcription: Automated Text Recognition, Text Annotation, and Scholarly Edition in the Twenty-First Century 

      Castro Bleda, María José; Vilar Torres, Juan Miguel; España Boquera, Salvador; Llorens Piñana, David; Marzal Varó, Andrés; Prat Villar, Federico; Zamora, F. Institut d'Estudis Medievals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2014)
      Computer assisted transcription tools can speed up the initial process of reading and transcribing texts. At the same time, new annotation tools open new ways of accessing the text in its graphical form. The balance and ...
    • openAccess   Human perception in segmentation of sketches 

      Company, Pedro; Varley, Peter Ashley Clifford; Piquer, Ana; Vergara, Margarita; Sánchez-Rubio Ruiz, Jaime Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2010)
      In this paper, we study the segmentation of sketched engineering drawings into a set of straight and curved segments. Our immediate objective is to produce a benchmarking method for segmentation algorithms. The criterion ...
    • openAccess   Human recognition based on gait poses 

      Martín Félez, Raúl; Mollineda, Ramón A.; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Springer (2011)
      This paper introduces a new approach for gait analysis based on the Gait Energy Image (GEI). The main idea is to segment the gait cycle into some biomechanical poses, and to compute a particular GEI for eachpose. Pose-based ...
    • openAccess   Human Resource Flexibility as a Mediating Variable Between High Performance Work Systems and Performance 

      Beltrán-Martín, Inmaculada; Roca-Puig, Vicente; Escrig-Tena, Ana B.; Bou-Llusar, Juan Carlos SAGE Publications (2008)
      Much of the human resource management literature has demonstrated the impact of high performance work systems (HPWS) on organizational performance. A new generation of studies is emerging in this literature that recommends ...
    • openAccess   Humanismos al borde del colapso: los anime nihilistamina 

      Lozano-Mendez, Artur; Loriguillo López, Antonio Universidad EAFIT (Colombia), Departamento de Humanidades (2022-06-17)
      El presente artículo presenta a un nuevo tipo de protagonista desarrollado en el manganime japonés: los héroes/heroínas nihilistamina. A diferencia del entusiasta héroe shōnen, los personajes de algunos de los títulos más ...
    • openAccess   Humanizing Birth in a Third-Level Hospital: Revealing the Benefits of Natural Cesarean Sections 

      Recacha-Ponce, Paula; Baliño, Pablo; García-Rayo-Reolid, Laura; Dominguez-Gomez, Violeta; Suárez-Alcázar, María Pilar; Folch Ayora, Ana; Salas-Medina, Pablo; Collado-Boira, Eladio MDPI (2024-03)
      Background and Aims: Efforts to humanize childbirth focus on promoting skin-to-skin contact, labor accompaniment, and breastfeeding. Despite these advancements, cesarean sections often lack a consideration of immediate ...
    • openAccess   El humo flotante: la muerte y el legado en el díptico de Carmina (Paco Leon, 2012-2014) 

      Garcia Catalan, Shaila; Rodríguez Serrano, Aarón Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2019-05-01)
      Our work proposes a textual analysis of the Carmina Barrios´ diptych: Carmina o revienta (Paco León, 2012) and Carmina y amen (Paco León, 2014). For that purpose, we will use a combination of filmic microanalysis and ...
    • openAccess   Hybrid Endometrial-Derived Hydrogels: Human Organoid Culture Models and In Vivo Perspectives 

      Gómez-Álvarez, María; Bueno Fernandez, Clara; Rodríguez-Eguren, Adolfo; Francés-Herrero, Emilio; Agustina-Hernández, Marcos; Faus, Amparo; Gisbert Roca, Fernando; Martínez Ramos, Cristina; Galán, Amparo; Pellicer, Antonio; Ferrero, Hortensia; Cervello, Irene Wiley (2023)
      The endometrium plays a vital role in fertility, providing a receptive environment for embryo implantation and development. Understanding the endometrial physiology is essential for developing new strategies to improve ...
    • openAccess   Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Photovoltaics 

      Ahmad, Shahzada; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Bisquert, Juan WiLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (2014-04)