Mostrando ítems 4258-4277 de 12335

      Expert Systems with Applications, 2015, vol. 42, no 13, p. 5607-5620. [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, 2015, vol. 42, no 23, p. 9263-9278. [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, 2020, v. 158 [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, v.39, n. 12 (September 2012) [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 200, August 2022 [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, vol.174 (2021) [1]
      Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 168, April 2021 [1]
      Explorations in Economic History, 2011, January, v. 48 (1) [1]
      Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (2019), v. 15, issue 1 [1]
      Expositiones Mathematicae. 2012, Volume 30, Issue 2 [1]
      eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 2013, Vol.7, No.3 [1]
      Expressa Extensão. Pelotas, v.20, n.1, p. 32-43, 2015. [1]
      Extended abstracts of the Xth edition of the ReUSO - Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage [1]
      Extreme Mechanics Letters (2020), v. 39 [1]
      Épsilon, 2020, nº 106, 35-56 [1]
      És un capítol del llibre: Convergencia entre educación y tecnología : hacia un nuevo paradigma. Compilación de Ema Elena Aveleyra, Melisa Proyetti Martino, Fernando Bonelli, Diego Mazzoni, Guillermo Musso, Jorge Perri, Ricardo Veiga.- 1a ed.- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Eudeba, 2021 [1]
      És un capítol del llibre: Convergencia entre educación y tecnología: Hacia un nuevo paradigma, 2021, 488. [1]
      És un capítol del llibre: Igualdad y calidad educativa: oportunidades y desafíos de la enseñanza. Dykinson, 2021. p. 1947-1966 [1]
      És un capítol del llibre: Trobada Internacional Investigadorxs del Franquisme. Universitat de València, 2019. p. 1083-1098 [1]
      Ética Y Cine Journal, 12(1), 47–55. [1]