• closedAccess   On causality in the size-efficiency relationship: the effect of investor cash flows on the mutual fund industry 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos (2010-12-14)
      One of the perceived advantages in mutual fund management is the presence of economies of scale resulting from fund size. This article analyses the impact of mutual fund cash flows on the relation between size and performance, ...
    • closedAccess   Sector concentration risk: A model for estimating capital requirements 

      Cabedo, J. David; Tirado-Beltrán, Jose Miguel Elsevier (2011)
      The 2004 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Accord (known as Basel II) provides a common framework for banks to determine their minimum capitalrequirements for solvency purposes. For credit risk (the most important one ...
    • openAccess   Mutual fund performance: banking versus independent managers 

      Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Soler-Dominguez, Amparo; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Taylor & Francis (2011-09-09)
      We examine the performance of mutual fund managers for a sample of Spanish mutual funds considering data on active management, loads, size and the number of funds managed per manager. We find evidence of differences in ...
    • closedAccess   Sudden changes in variance and time varying hedge ratios 

      Aragó, Vicent; Salvador, Enrique Elsevier (2011-12)
      This paper analyzes the influence of sudden changes in the unconditional volatility on the estimation and forecast of volatility and its impact on futures hedging strategies. We employ several multivariate GARCH models to ...
    • openAccess   The Risk - Return Trade - off in Europe: Is There a Pro - cyclical Risk Aversion ? 

      Aragó, Vicent; Salvador, Enrique Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (2012)
      This paper analyzes the risk-return trade-off in European equities considering both temporal and cross-sectional dimensions. We introduce not only the market portfolio but also 15 industry portfolios comprising the entire ...
    • openAccess   Non-Linear Tradeoff between Risk and Return: A Regime-Switching Multi-Factor Framework 

      Aragó, Vicent; Salvador, Enrique Delta Publicaciones (2012)
      This study develops a multi-factor framework where not only the market risk is considered but also potential changes in the investment opportunity set. Although previous studies find no clear evidence about a positive and ...
    • openAccess   La influencia de las remuneraciones de los consejeros ejecutivos de las empresas del Ibex 35 en la rentabilidad financiera 

      Pucheta-Martínez, María Consuelo; Porcar Querol, Reyes Centro de Estudios Financieros (2012)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo afecta la retribución de los consejeros ejecutivos de las empresas del Ibex 35 en la rentabilidad financiera. Como variables de control que podrían influir en la rentabilidad ...
    • closedAccess   The impact of the board of directors characteristics on corporate performance and risk-taking before and during the global financial crisis 

      Ferrero-Ferrero, Idoya; Fernandez-Izquierdo, Maria Angeles; Muñoz-Torres, María Jesus Springer-Verlag (2012-07)
      Over recent years, the effectiveness of good corporate governance practices has received considerable attention by the financial literature. In the current global finance crisis, several practitioners, academic and regulators ...
    • closedAccess   Sustainable Developement and the Financial System: Society's Perceptions About Socially Responsible Investing 

      Escrig-Olmedo, Elena; Muñoz-Torres, María Jesus; Fernandez-Izquierdo, Maria Angeles Wiley (2012-11)
      The debate surrounding the financial needs of investors and the impact on society of investment is considered to be an important research topic due to the growth of socially responsible financial markets. The main objective ...
    • openAccess   The Risk-Return Trade-Off in Emerging Markets 

      Salvador, Enrique M.E. Sharpe (2012-12)
      This paper studies the risk-return trade-off in some of the main emerging stock markets in the world. Although previous studies on emerging markets were not able to show a positive and significant trade-off, favorable ...
    • openAccess   Materiality Analysis for CSR Reporting in Spanish SMEs 

      Muñoz-Torres, María Jesus; Fernandez-Izquierdo, Maria Angeles; Rivera-Lirio, Juana M.; León Soriano, Raúl; Escrig-Olmedo, Elena; Ferrero-Ferrero, Idoya International School for Social and Business Studies (2013)
      Most corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards have not been designed to be implemented in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Given that 99% of Spanish companies are SMEs, this study aims to propose ...
    • openAccess   Output complexity, environmental conditions, and the efficiency of municipalities 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Prior, Diego; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Springer US (2013)
      Over the last few years, many studies have analyzed the efficiency of local governments in different countries. An accurate definition of their output bundles—i.e., the services and facilities they provide to their ...
    • openAccess   El gasto público como determinante de la reelección de los gobiernos locales 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Brun Martos, María Isabel Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad (2013)
      Este artículo analiza el efecto del gasto público municipal sobre la probabilidad de reelección de los gobiernos locales españoles durante el período 2000-2007, utilizando la metodología logit para datos de panel. Los ...
    • openAccess   Las aportaciones del apoyo social al capital social: propuesta de un modelo integrado y convergente 

      Fuertes Eugenio, Ana María; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel; Fuertes, Iluminada; Soto Personat, Grisela Centro Investigación Información Economía Pública Social y Cooperativa, CIRIEC-España (2013-04)
      El capital social ha adquirido recientemente una importancia notable en todas las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Su carácter multidisciplinar, su intangibilidad y su naturaleza circular constituyen importantes ...
    • closedAccess   The impact of distressed economies on the EU sovereign market 

      Groba, Jonatan; Lafuente-Luengo, Juan Angel; Serrano, Pablo Elsevier (2013-07)
      Financially distressed economies inside the European Union (EU) are being blamed for producing a general increase in borrowing costs. This article analyzes the channels of default risk transmission within the EU countries ...
    • openAccess   Política presupuestaria y elecciones 

      Brun Martos, María Isabel; Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa Órganos Autonómicos de Control Externo (2013-07)
      El carácter cíclico de las elecciones ha originado el estudio del efecto que esta periodicidad puede ejercer sobre la política fiscal de los gobiernos, surgiendo así el análisis del Ciclo Político Presupuestario (CPP). ...
    • openAccess   Predicción del fracaso empresarial en los sectores de construcción e inmobiliario: Modelos generales versus específicos 

      GILL DE ALBORNOZ NOGUER, BELEN; GIner, Begoña Universia (2013-07)
      This paper looks at the advantages of industry-focused versus general models to better predict corporate failure. The results confirm that profitability, stock turnover, leverage, liquidity, size, business growth, age, and ...
    • openAccess   On the comparative performance of socially responsible and islamic mutual funds 

      Abdelsalam, Omneya; Fethi, Meryem Duygun; Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Elsevier (2013-07)
      This is the first study to provide comprehensive analyses of the relative performance of both socially responsible investment (SRI) and Islamic mutual funds. The analysis proceeds in two stages. In the first, the performance ...
    • closedAccess   The compensation committee and the remuneration of the directors 

      Pucheta-Martínez, María Consuelo; Narro Forés, Cristina Emerald (2014)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze if the composition and activity of the appointment and remuneration committee have a significant effect in the remunerations of the members of the board of directors. ...
    • openAccess   The gender gap in pay in company boards 

      Pucheta-Martínez, María Consuelo; Bel-Oms, Inmaculada Oxford University Press (2014)
      The aim of this study is to analyze whether a gender wage gap exists in the boards of directors (BD) of companies listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange from 2004 to 2011. We hypothesize that the percentage of female directors ...