• openAccess   Cajas de ahorros: un modelo de compromiso con la sociedad 

      Seguí Alcaraz, Antoni Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2012)
      Savings banks are increasingly interested in social issues, reflecting a corporate commitment to meet the demands of society. Our goal is to understand the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) for savings ...
    • openAccess   El cambiante mundo de las organizaciones. Hacia una organización saludable 

      Grandío_Botella, Antonio; Gimeno Navarro, Miguel Ángel; Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2013)
      Nuestro modelo actual de sociedad se halla inmerso en un profundo cambio (re-evolución), que nos está conduciendo hacia un mundo «enredado». Las organizaciones, como subsistemas fundamentales de esa sociedad, tienen el ...
    • openAccess   Capacidad de absorción: antecedentes y resultados 

      CAMISON, CESAR; Forés, Beatriz Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (2014)
      La globalización de los mercados, los rápidos cambios tecnológicos, la reducción del ciclo de vida tecnológico y la creciente agresividad de los competidores han cambiado las reglas del juego en la gestión empresarial.
    • openAccess   Capacidades de exploración y explotación e innovación radical e incremental: efectos de la localización en un cluster. 

      Forés, Beatriz; Boronat-Navarro, Montserrat Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (2014)
      El análisis de la competitividad de las empresas va ligado necesariamente al fomento de la innovación. La empresa debe satisfacer las necesidades actuales y futuras de sus clientes, y responder a las presiones competitivas ...
    • closedAccess   Catching dynamic capabilities through market-oriented networks 

      Monferrer Tirado, Diego; Blesa, Andreu; Ripolles, Maria Inderscience (2015)
      This paper studies the influence of network market orientation on adaptive, absorptive and innovative dynamic capabilities development in Spanish international new ventures. This research also explores the interrelationship ...
    • openAccess   Centrality in networks of geographically proximate firms and competitive capabilities 

      Larrañeta, Bárbara; Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Herrero, Ines Elsevier (2019)
      We examine how a firm's centrality within a network of geographically proximate firms affects its competitive capabilities. Our study of the total population of one Spanish cluster of fishing firms shows that the effects ...
    • openAccess   Changing the economic paradigm: Towards a sustainable business model 

      Guinot, Jacob International Information and Engineering Technology Association (2020-08)
      The Earth is currently facing an era of environmental crisis and climate change. This requires a prompt and effective response in order to at least mitigate or alleviate the negative consequences associated with the ...
    • openAccess   ChatGPT como herramienta de apoyo al aprendizaje en la educación superior: una experiencia docente 

      Segarra-Ciprés, Mercedes; Grangel Seguer, Reyes; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar Centro de Estudios Financieros (2024-02-15)
      El acceso a ChatGPT supone un avance en el desarrollo de tareas diversas y complejas, pero su potencial no está exento de amenazas para distintos ámbitos, entre ellos el educativo. Con este estudio presentamos una experiencia ...
    • openAccess   Citizens’ legitimacy judgements on multi-stakeholder governance models: The spillover effects of corporate political activity and social trust 

      Tortosa-Edo, Vicent; López-Navarro, Miguel Ángel Elsevier (2024-04-10)
      Recent years have witnessed increasing corporate participation in multi-stakeholder governance models to decide on social issues. Insufficient academic attention has been paid to how citizens legitimise this alternative, ...
    • openAccess   Clothing brand purchase intention through SNS 

      Pujadas, Jordi; Palau-Saumell, Ramon; Forgas-Coll, Santiago; Sánchez-García, Javier Emerald (2019)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the intention to purchase products through clothing brands’ social network sites (SNS) based on the theory of planned behavior and uses and gratifications theory (U&G), ...
    • openAccess   Cluster and firm-specific antecedents of organizational innovation 

      CAMISON, CESAR; Forés, Beatriz; Boronat-Navarro, Montserrat Taylor and Francis Group (2017)
      Based on the idea of the tourist destination as a cluster, this paper proposes a model to explain the relationships between exploration and exploitation capabilities – whether originating in the cluster or firm-specific – ...
    • closedAccess   Clutering and internal resources: moderation and mediation effects 

      Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Mas-Verdú, Francisco; Belso Martínez, José Antonio Emerald (2011)
      Purpose – This paper aims to address a central question in strategy: how do internal resources firms mediate the effect of the external resources on the firms' performance? Design/methodology/approach – The research was ...
    • openAccess   Co-creating customer experiences in service ecosystems: a study in a tourist destination 

      Monferrer Tirado, Diego; Moliner, Miguel Angel; Estrada, Marta Emerald (2024-01-30)
      Purpose – This study aims to examine the co-creation of customer experiences at different levels in service ecosystems, analyzing the case of a tourist destination. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was ...
    • openAccess   Combined effect of human capital, temporary employment and organizational size on firm performance 

      Roca-Puig, Vicente; Beltrán-Martín, Inmaculada; Segarra-Ciprés, Mercedes Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012)
      Purpose – This study aims to examine how temporary employment and organizational size moderate the effect of human capital on firm performance. The authors also analyze the overall effect of human capital, temporary ...
    • closedAccess   Combining effects of internal resources, entrepreneur characteristics and KIS on new firms 

      Belso Martínez, José Antonio; Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Mas-Verdú, Francisco Elsevier (2013-10)
      Both entrepreneurship and innovation are perceived as crucial activities that fuel the economic development of regions. Considering transfers of knowledge as one of the functions of knowledge intensive services (KIS), this ...
    • openAccess   Commitment to employees, labor intensity, and labor productivity in small firms 

      Roca-Puig, Vicente; Segarra-Ciprés, Mercedes; Beltrán-Martín, Inmaculada Emerald (2012)
      Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential existence of a concave downward curve between organizational commitment to employees (OCE) and labor productivity in small firms. It also aims to examine the ...
    • openAccess   Comparative analysis of american and spanish cruise passengers'behavioral intentions 

      Forgas-Coll, Santiago; Palau-Saumell, Ramon; Sánchez-García, Javier; Garrigos-Simon, Fernando Jose Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo (2016)
      Earlier studies of cross-national differences in consumer behavior in different consumption sectors have verified that cultural differences have a strong influence on consumers. Despite the importance of cross-national ...
    • openAccess   Compassion and altruism in organizations: a path for firm survival 

      Barghouti, Zina; Guinot, Jacob; Chiva, Ricardo Emerald (2022-08-24)
      Purpose The authors draw on this approach to explore the consequences of compassion and altruism in the workplace for firm performance, using organizational resilience as a mediating variable. Design/methodology/approach In ...
    • openAccess   Compensating need satisfaction across life boundaries: A daily study 

      Hewett, Rebecca; Haun, Verena; Demerouti, Evangelia; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma; Skakon, Janne; De Gieter, Sara Wiley (2017-02)
      Self-determination theory suggests that satisfaction of an individual’s basic psychological needs (for competence, autonomy, and relatedness) is key for wellbeing. This has gained empirical support in multiple life domains, ...
    • openAccess   Competitiveness through strategic orientation 

      Blesa, Andreu; Ripolles, Maria; Monferrer Tirado, Diego CROMAR (Croatian Marketing Association) (2012-12)
      The aim of this paper is to further the study of the factors that infl uence the international competitive position of international new ventures and, consequently, their international performance. Specifi cally, we analyze ...