Now showing items 395-414 of 511

    • openAccess   Shopping motivation in consumer loyalty formation process: the case of Spanish retail 

      Tena-Monferrer, Sandra; Fandos, Juan Carlos; Sánchez-García, Javier; Callarisa Fiol, Luis J. Emerald (2021)
      Purpose With the gradual decline of the small retail sector in the past recent years, few researchers have been addressing the issue from a motivational approach. This paper aimed to examine the role of utilitarian, hedonic ...
    • openAccess   Single- and Multiple-Informant Research Designs to Examine the Human Resource Management−Performance Relationship 

      Bou-Llusar, Juan Carlos; Beltrán-Martín, Inmaculada; Roca-Puig, Vicente; Escrig-Tena, Ana B. Wiley (2016-06-21)
      During the last decades, many empirical studies have analysed the relationship between human resource management and firm performance. Despite the call for multiple-rater designs, a relatively large number of researchers ...
    • openAccess   Sistemas de gestión de la calidad y desempeño: importancia de las prácticas de gestión del conocimiento y de I+D 

      CAMISON, CESAR; Boronat-Navarro, Montserrat; Villar López, Ana; Puig-Denia, Alba Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa (2009)
      En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la implantación de sistemas de gestión de la calidad en la adopción de prácticas de gestión del conocimiento y de la gestión de la I+D y, a su vez, los efectos individuales y ...
    • openAccess   Sistemas distrituales de innovación 

      Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Gabaldón Estevan, Daniel; Fernández de Lucio, Ignacio Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (2012-01)
      The innovation system approach shows growing pre- sence in the debate about the determinants of innovation, and has relevant implications on innovation policy. This approach identifies the agents and its connexions in ...
    • openAccess   Sílice cristalina respirable: Metodologías de análisis 

      Gómez-Tena, Maria Pilar; Zumaquero, Esther; Ibáñez, María José; Machí, Cristina; Escrig-Tena, Ana B. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      This paper describes different analysis methodologies in occupational environments and raw materials. A review is presented of the existing methodologies, the approximations made, some of the constraints involved, as ...
    • openAccess   Smart cities, smart factories y smart ports en las provincias chinas de Guangdong y Hainan: oportunidades para las empresas extranjeras 

      Irún, Beatriz; Moya, Paloma; Monferrer Tirado, Diego; Moliner, Miguel Angel; Bayonne, Enrique Atena Editora (2022-10-03)
      This report focuses on the Chinese province of Guandong, analyzing the business opportunities for foreign companies in the investment areas of smart cities, smart factories and smart ports. When analyzing the opportunities ...
    • closedAccess   Social capital in industrial districts: Influence of the strength of ties and density of the network on the sense of belonging to the district 

      Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Capó Vicedo, Josep; Martínez-Fernández, M. Teresa; Expósito-Langa, Manuel Wiley (2013)
      A sense of belonging is a crucial factor determining the identification of the firms in industrial districts. From the social capital perspective, this paper analyses how the structural and relational dimensions of social ...
    • openAccess   Social Issues in Business Education: A Study of Students' Attitudes 

      López-Navarro, Miguel Ángel; Segarra-Ciprés, Mercedes Taylor & Francis (2015-05)
      Although issues such as opportunistic behavior or economic profit maximization have dominated business school curricula, in recent years interest has grown in all matters relating to the corporate social dimension. The ...
    • closedAccess   Social networks and Web 3.0: their impact on the management and marketing of organizations 

      Garrigos-Simon, Fernando Jose; Lapiedra, Rafael; Barberá Ribera, Teresa Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012)
      Purpose – Innovations, coupled with the advancement of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the evolution of the internet, have had a profound impact on the structure of firms and have altered the ...
    • closedAccess   Social Networks: Effects of Social Capital on Firm Innovation 

      Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Martínez-Fernández, M. Teresa Wiley-Blackwell (2010-04)
      This paper aims to introduce some specific insights regarding social networks and the geographical proximity of firms in order to investigate factors involved in the innovation of firms. In particular, this study reviews ...
    • closedAccess   Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing 

      Garcés Ferrer, Jordi; Ferri Sanz, Mireia; Durá Ferrandis, Estrella; Sánchez-García, Javier John Wiley and Sons (2015)
      Recent research in social tourism notes possible links between tourism participation and improvements in health. However, there is a lack of quantitative evidence concerning the potential links between tourism participation ...
    • closedAccess   Social value in retail banking 

      Fandos, Juan Carlos; Estrada, Marta; Forgas-Coll, Santiago; Palau-Saumell, Ramon Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2013)
      Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of perceived value on customer loyalty, going into depth in the special case of social value. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 200 personal surveys ...
    • openAccess   Sostenibilidad en los clústeres agroalimentarios de la comunidad valenciana. Estudio de caso 

      Raso-Domínguez, Xavier; Martínez-Cháfer, Luis; Molina-Morales, F. Xavier Universidad de Jaén: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas (2022)
      Con este estudio de caso pretendemos analizar la sostenibilidad dentro de los agro-clústeres de la Comunidad Valenciana. Para ello, nos centraremos en el caso del ya reconocido clúster de la Uva de mesa embolsada del ...
    • openAccess   Sostenibilidad y gastronomía local en los destinos turísticos en el contexto de la covid-19 

      Moliner, Miguel Angel; Monferrer Tirado, Diego; Estrada, Marta; Vidal-Meliá, Lidia Centro de Estudios Financieros - CEF (2022)
      Este estudio supone una contribución importante a la literatura de turismo al explorar la rela-ción entre la sostenibilidad y la gastronomía local en los destinos turísticos dentro del marco conceptual de la investigación ...
    • openAccess   SQAS, social responsibility assessment or instrumentalisation? 

      Torres-Rubira, Juan-Luis Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2023)
      Safety and Quality Assessment for Sustainability (SQAS) is evaluation promoted by an association of chemical companies called CEFIC. Its vocation is to serve as a tool for the assessment of safety, quality, security, health, ...
    • openAccess   Strength of ties and pioneering orientation: The moderating role of scanning capabilities 

      Ruiz Ortega, María José; Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Parra Requena, Gloria; Garcia-Villaverde, Pedro Manuel SAGE (2020)
      The purpose of this article is to study the curvilinear effect on pioneering orientation of one of its key relational backgrounds: strength of ties. The study is based on a sample of 224 companies in the footwear industry ...
    • openAccess   Structural empowerment and organisational performance: the mediating role of employees’ well-being in Spanish local governments 

      García-Juan, Beatriz; Escrig-Tena, Ana B.; Roca-Puig, Vicente Routledge (2020)
      We extend the ‘black box’ picture of public management and the ‘balanced view’ of HRM literature to explore, in the public context, the impact of structural empowerment on organisational performance and the mediating ...
    • openAccess   Structural social capital and knowledge acquisition: implications of cluster membership 

      García Villaverde, Pedro Manuel; Parra Requena, Gloria; Molina-Morales, F. Xavier Taylor & Francis (2018)
      This paper analyzes the implications of belonging to a cluster through the relationship between structural capital and knowledge acquisition. Findings suggest structural social capital ...
    • closedAccess   Structure patterns in cluster knowledge networks: the case of the Spanish ceramic tile cluster 

      Molina-Morales, F. Xavier; Martínez-Cháfer, Luis Springer-Verlag (2013-06)
      Clusters have received a great deal of attention in economic literature. The aim of this paper is to find out which type of firms feed these clusters with knowledge and what is the influence of their network capabilities ...
    • openAccess   Students' Attitudes Towars Business Education's Role in Addressing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Issues 

      López-Navarro, Miguel Ángel; Segarra-Ciprés, Mercedes International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2013)
      In recent years, business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have become one of the most important topics in business management. In this sense, the training of business students – future entrepreneurs and ...