Now showing items 90-109 of 697

    • closedAccess   Career Concerns and Product Market Competition 

      Feriozzi, Fabio Wiley (2016-04-27)
      This paper studies the effect of increased competition in the product market on managerial incentives. I propose a simple model of career concerns where firms are willing to pay for managerial talent to reduce production ...
    • openAccess   Catalog competition: Theory and experimental evidence 

      Xefteris, Dimitrios; Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos Wiley (2022-07-06)
      This paper compares the standard location-then-pricing Hotelling duopoly with a catalog competition game in which firms simultaneously decide locations and prices. We consider a three-location space and continuous pricing ...
    • openAccess   Causas y efectos de la integración económica en América Latina 

      Márquez-Ramos, Laura; Recalde, María Luisa Instituto de Economía y Finanzas. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (2017)
      El tema central a abordar en este artículo es la medición de las causas y efectos de los acuerdos de integración en Latino América. Se consideran los efectos de la integración en el ALADI y el Mercosur sobre las cadenas ...
    • openAccess   Central East European Countries’ accession into the European Union: role of extensive margin for trade in intermediate and final goods 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Voicu, Anka Monika; Vidovic, Martina Springer US (2015)
      We study the effect on trade in intermediates and final goods of the Central East European Countries’ (CEECs) accession into the European Union (EU) for the period 1999–2009. In doing so, we estimate a gravity model that ...
    • openAccess   Changes in sovereign debt dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos Wiley (2019-05)
      The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the degree of sustainability of fiscal debt for a group of Central and Eastern European countries. We apply a battery of time series econometrics methods to show how the ...
    • openAccess   Climate change, natural disasters, and international migration: A country-level analysis considering climatic zones 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas; Duarte Lisboa Paschoaleto, Rafael Frontiers Media (2023)
      Climate change and natural disasters might increase the vulnerability of populations in aected regions. This article investigates the link between climatic events and bilateral migration from countries in the Global South ...
    • closedAccess   Club convergence in European housing prices: The role of macroeconomic and housing market fundamentals 

      Maynou Pujolras, Laia; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Morley, Bruce; Ordóñez, Javier Elsevier (2021-07-12)
      This study aims to determine whether there is convergence in house prices across a sample of European economies, including members and non-members of the Eurozone. Overall the literature has found no evidence of convergence ...
    • closedAccess   Club Convergence of Sectoral CO2 Emissions in the European Union. 

      Morales-Lage, Rafael; Bengochea, Aurelia; Camarero, Mariam; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Elsevier (2019-10-22)
      An understanding of the evolution of sectoral CO2 emissions for all EU countries in recent decades would clearly be useful for political authorities when designing future environmental policies. This paper investigates ...
    • openAccess   Clusters in foreign-born vs. native self-employment in Europe: do we look alike? 

      Cuadros, Ana; Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Mourelle, Estefanía Taylor and Francis (2022)
      In this paper, we analyse the existence of clusters in self-employment rates, segregating by place of birth, i.e. native vs foreign-born, in a group of 17 European countries. The analysis suggests that natives behave ...
    • openAccess   Co-movement between residential and commercial housing prices: evidence from a new database 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes Taylor & Francis (2020)
      The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the issue of the co-movement between residential real estate and commercial real estate using a newly developed database by the Bank if International Settlements. Our results ...
    • openAccess   Colusión en un duopolio de Bertrand con rendimientos decrecientes y productos diferenciados 

      Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Contreras Marín, Roberto; Ginés-Vilar, Miguel Universidad de Chile (2008)
      Estudiamos las implicaciones que tienen sobre la estabilidad del cartel los rendimientos de escala en presencia de productos diferenciados cuando las empresas compiten en precios. Mostramos que el cartel puede ser ...
    • openAccess   Comercio de derechos de emisión, adopción de tecnología y heterogeneidad de industrias: un enfoque experimental 

      Camacho Cuena, Eva; Requate, Till; Waichman, Israel; Zofío, José L. Ministerio de Industria Comercio y Turismo (2009-06)
      The economic and environmental gains expected from particular environmental policies based on allowances trading programs depend on how they are specifically implemented in the field. In this paper we focus on a tradable ...
    • openAccess   Comment on Lof, Mekasha, and Tarp (2014) 

      Herzer, Dierk; Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas; Dreher, Axel; Klasen, Stephan; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Elsevier (2015-06)
      In Nowak-Lehmann et al. (2012), we used time-series methods to investigate the impact of aid on per capita GDP. Lof, Mekasha, and Tarp (LMT, 2014) criticize our econometric approach, our interpretation, and our data-handling ...
    • closedAccess   Common smooth transition trend-stationarity in European unemployment 

      Franchi, M.; Ordóñez, Javier Elsevier (2008)
      This paper analyzes the hypothesis of hysteresis in Europe. The results are favorable to smooth transition trend-stationarity in European unemployment rates around highly persistent structural changes. In addition, we find ...
    • openAccess   Communication in a threshold public goods game under ambiguity 

      Marini, Matteo Maria; García-Gallego, Aurora; Corazzini, Luca Routledge (2020-08-30)
      This paper offers evidence on the impact of communication on the provision of public goods whose quality is uncertain, such as investment in prevention or fundraising in favour of non-governmental organizations (NGO). We ...
    • openAccess   Community participation in heritage tourism planning: is it too much to ask? 

      Dragouni, Mina; Fouseki, Kalliopi; Georgantzis, Nikolaos Taylor & Francis (2017-12)
      Considering the complications of collecting empirical data on community participation, this study proposes a new methodological approach that departs from the current literature. For the first time, an experimental procedure ...
    • closedAccess   Comparing the Performance of National Educational Systems: Inequality Versus Achievement? 

      Giménez, Víctor; Thieme, Claudio; Prior, Diego; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Springer Netherlands (2018)
      We measure performance change for the educational systems of 28 countries which participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study in years 2007 and 2011 for eighth grade basic education students. ...
    • openAccess   Competitive Pressure and the Adoption of Complementary Innovations 

      Pernías, José C.; Kretschmer, Tobias; Miravete, Eugenio J. American Economic Association (2012-06)
      Liberalization of the European automobile distribution system in 2002 limits the ability of manufacturers to impose vertical restraints, lead- ing to a substantial increase in competitive pressure among dealers. We estimate ...
    • closedAccess   Constructing a financial inclusion index for Mexican municipalities 

      Dircio Palacios Macedo, María del Carmen; Cruz-García, Paula; Hernandez-Trillo, Fausto; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Elsevier (2023)
      Access to financial services varies sharply around the world among countries but also within regions and municipalities in the same country. To identify this important variation multivariate indices have been considered ...
    • closedAccess   Consultative democracy and trust 

      Bogliacino, Francesco; Jiménez Lozano, Laura; Grimalda, Gianluca Elsevier (2018)
      We report experimental results from three Colombian villages concerning the impact of a voting mechanism on interpersonal trust and trustworthiness. The vote is purely consultative in that participants are asked to declare ...