• closedAccess   Liquidity Coinsurance and Bank Capital 

      Castiglionesi, Fabio; Feriozzi, Fabio; Loranth, Gyöngyi; Pelizzon, Loriana Wiley (2014-03-26)
      Banks can deal with their liquidity risk by holding liquid assets (self-insurance), by participating in interbank markets (coinsurance), or by using flexible financing instruments, such as bank capital (risk sharing). We ...
    • openAccess   Local government efficiency: determinants and spatial interdependence 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Brun-Martos, Maria Isabel; Márquez-Ramos, Laura Taylor and Francis Group (2019)
      We analyse the determinants of local government efficiency taking into account the presence of spatial interactions among neighbouring municipalities. To do so, first we estimate an efficiency index using the robust order-m ...
    • openAccess   Local governments' efficiency: a systematic literature review- part II 

      Narbón-Perpiñá, Isabel; De Witte, Kristof Wiley (2017-02)
      The efficient management of the available resources in local governments has been a topic of high interest in the field of public sector. We provide an extensive and comprehensive review of the existing literature on local ...
    • openAccess   Local governments' efficiency: A systematic literature review—part I 

      Narbón-Perpiñá, Isabel; De Witte, Kristof Wiley (2017-02)
      The efficient management of the available resources in local governments has been a topic of high interest in the field of public sector. We provide an extensive and comprehensive review of the existing literature on local ...
    • closedAccess   Local governments' re-election and its determinants: New evidence based on a Bayesian approach 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Brun Martos, María Isabel; Forte Deltell, Anabel; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Elsevier (2015)
      We analyzed the effect of public spending on the probability of re-election of Spanish local governments during the 2000–2007 period using Bayesian techniques. Although the literature on political budget cycles is now ...
    • openAccess   Location Choice of Spanish Multinational Firms in Developing and Transition Economies 

      Martí Arnau, Josep; Alguacil, Maite; Orts, Vicente Taylor & Francis (2017-04)
      In this paper, we use firm-level data to investigate how different host country characteristics affect the decision of Spanish multinational firms to locate in developing and transition countries, and whether these ...
    • openAccess   Location decisions of heterogeneous european firms 

      Martí Arnau, Josep Universidad de Oviedo, Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo (2020-09)
      We analyze empirically how firms’ characteristics affect the foreign affiliates location decisions of heterogeneous firms in different markets. Using a European firm-level data and estimating the marginal effects for the ...
    • openAccess   Long-run expectations in a learning-to-forecast experiment: A Simulation Approach 

      Colasante, Annarita; Alfarano, Simone; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Gallegati, Mauro Taylor & Francis (2017)
      We conduct a Learning to Forecast Experiment using a novel setting in which we elicit subjects’ short- and long-run expectations on the future price of an asset. We find that: (i) the rational expectations equilibrium is ...
    • closedAccess   Macroeconomic implications of mortgage loan requirements: an agent-based approach 

      Ozel, Bulent; Nathanael, Reynold Christian; Raberto, Marco; Teglio, Andrea Springer (2019-03)
      It is a well-known fact that the housing market, with its associated mortgage securities, plays a crucial role in modern economies. The recent crisis of 2007, triggered by the U.S. real estate bubble, confirms this key ...
    • openAccess   Macroeconomic Potentials of Transatlantic Free Trade: A High Resolution Perspective for Europe and the World 

      Felbermayr, Gabriel; Heid, Benedikt Sebastian; Larch, Mario; Yalcin, Erdal Oxford University Press (2015-07-03)
      Critics of the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) dismiss its potential welfare gains as small compared with its risks. We contribute to this debate by investigating the driving forces behind ...
    • openAccess   Macroprudential policies in an agent-based artificial economy 

      Raberto, Marco; Teglio, Andrea; Cincotti, Silvano OFCE (Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques) (2012-10)
      Basel III is a recently-agreed regulatory standard for bank capital adequacy with focus on the macroprudential dimension of banking regulation, i.e., the system- wide implications of banks’ lending and risk. An important ...
    • openAccess   Managerial Entrenchment and the Market for Talent 

      Feriozzi, Fabio Society for Financial Studies (2022-08-19)
      This paper studies how the nature of managerial skills affects firms’ governance decisions. As required skills shift from firm specific toward more general abilities, replacing an underperforming CEO with an outside hire ...
    • openAccess   Managing a duopolistic water market with confirmed proposals. An experiment 

      García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Hernán González, Roberto; Kujal, Praveen CSIC (2012-03)
      We report results from experimental water markets in which owners of two different sources of water supply water to households and farmers. The final water quality consumed by each type of consumer is determined through ...
    • openAccess   Market effects of changes in consumers' social responsibility 

      García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos Wiley Periodicals (2009)
      In a duopoly model of vertical differentiation, we study market equilibrium and the resulting social welfare following an increase in the consumer's willingness to pay (WTP) for products sold by socially responsible ...
    • openAccess   Market games as social dilemmas 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Ziros, Nicholas Elsevier (2018-11)
      In an experimental exchange market based on Shapley and Shubik (1977), two types of players with different preferences and endowments independently submit quantities of the goods they wish to exchange. In this context, ...
    • closedAccess   Market power, technical progress and financial fragility 

      Delli Gatti, Domenico; GALLEGATI, MARCO; Palestrini, Antonio; Tedeschi, Gabriele; Vidal-Tomás, David Elsevier (2024)
      We explore the nexus of market power, innovation and financial fragility by means of a macroeconomic agent based model whose core is the Dixit-Greenwald-Stiglitz (DGS) theory of firm behaviour, which nests the Greenwald-Stiglitz ...
    • openAccess   Market risk aversion under volatility shifts: An experimental study 

      Aragó, Vicent; Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; Breaban, Adriana; Matallín Sáez, Juan Carlos; Salvador, Enrique Elsevier (2022-03-15)
      We propose an experiment to analyze the relationship between volatility regimes and investors’ behavior and explore the mechanism by which aggregated risk aversion is configured. We design a market in which the volatility ...
    • openAccess   McShane-Whitney extensions for fuzzy Lipschitz maps 

      Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo; Rodríguez-López, J.; Sánchez-Pérez, E.A. Elsevier (2020-08-10)
      We present a McShane-Whitney extension theorem for real-valued fuzzy Lipschitz maps defined between fuzzy metric spaces. Motivated by the potential applications of the obtained results, we generalize the mathematical theory ...
    • openAccess   Measuring Entrepreneurial Orientation of University Employees in Developing Countries Using the ENTRE-U Scale 

      Tatarski, Jovana; Brkanlic, Sandra; Sanchez Garcia, Javier; BRESO, EDGAR; Brkic, Ivana; Petrovic, Marko; Okanovic, Andrea MDPI (2020)
      This research examines the difference in the level of entrepreneurial orientation among university employees within the European Union compared to university employees in non-EU countries. The EU Member States included in ...
    • closedAccess   Measuring Globalization of International Trade: Theory and Evidence 

      Arribas, Iván; Pérez García, Francisco; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Elsevier (2009)
      Measuring globalization requires a Standard of Perfect International Integration as a benchmark that a single world space would reach under conditions of geographic neutrality in international trade. We define this standard ...