• closedAccess   El fruto de la inseguridad. Vino, contrato óptimo y derechos de propiedad en Cataluña (1898–1935) 

      Garrido, Samuel Cambridge University Press (2017)
      Most of the Catalan vineyards were cultivated by means of sharecropping contracts that granted the sharecropper ownership rights over the land. This paper maintains that the “ bundle of rights ” view of property is ...
    • openAccess   FTX’s downfall and Binance’s consolidation: The fragility of centralised digital finance 

      Vidal Tomás, David; Briola, Antonio; Aste, Tomaso Elsevier ScienceDirect (2023-07-16)
      This paper investigates the causes and the consequences of the FTX digital currency exchange’s failure in November 2022. Analysing on-chain data, we report that FTX heavily relied on leveraging and misusing its native ...
    • openAccess   Gas price shocks, the current account, and the real exchange rate: An empirical analysis for the EU 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordonez, Javier Elsevier (2024)
      The aim of this paper is to analyse how gas price shocks affect the real exchange rate (RER) and the current account (CA) for a panel of countries from the EU28. We estimate VAR models and account for the possibility of ...
    • openAccess   Gender and other moderators of giving in the dictator game: A meta-analysis 

      Doñate-Buendía, Anabel; García-Gallego, Aurora; Petrovic, Marko Elsevier (2022-04-23)
      Meta-analysis techniques are used to analyse behaviour in a set of 136 experimental dictator game conditions. The aim is to find the motivating factors of dictators’ generosity under diverse experimental treatments. For ...
    • closedAccess   Gender Differences in Legal Disputes: The Case of French Labor Courts 

      Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Le Gallo, Julie; Peterle, Emmanuel; Tisserand, Jean-Christian Presses de Sciences Po (2019)
      Cet article porte sur les différences de genre dans les litiges prud’homaux en France. Nous réalisons une analyse empirique de données concernant la phase de conciliation préalable au procès et les décisions des juges lors ...
    • closedAccess   Gender differences in ultimatum games: Despite rather than due to risk attitudes 

      García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Jaramillo-Gutiérrez, Ainhoa Elsevier (2012)
      We analyze experimental data obtained from an ultimatum game framed as a situation of employee–employer negotiation over salaries. Parallel to this, we elicit subjects’ risk attitudes. In the existing literature, it has ...
    • openAccess   Gender, self-confidence, sports, and preferences for competition 

      Comeig, Irene; Grau-Grau, Alfredo; Jaramillo-Gutiérrez, Ainhoa; Ramírez, Federico Elsevier (2016)
      Gender differences in the willingness to compete may explain the small percentage of women in top-level positions in business, science, or politics. This research examines with a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis ...
    • openAccess   Genetic distance, cultural differences, and the formation of regional trade agreements 

      Heid, Benedikt Sebastian; Lu, Wenxi Springer (2022)
      Genetic distance between countries’ populations has been shown to proxy cross-country differences in cultures and preferences. In an unbalanced panel of 133 countries from 1970 to 2012, we find that higher genetic distance ...
    • openAccess   Gestión activa de la demanda en mercados eléctricos experimentales 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; Pavan, Marina; Sabater-Grande, Gerardo CSIC (2012-03)
      Estudiamos el comportamiento de los consumidores en un mercado de electricidad diseñado en el laboratorio. Los sujetos experimentales toman decisiones sobre la cantidad de electricidad que desean consumir en tres contextos ...
    • closedAccess   Gibrat's Law Redux: think profitability instead of growth 

      Mundt, Philipp; Alfarano, Simone; Milakovic, Mishael Oxford University Press (OUP) (2015)
      We argue that firm profitability can be conveniently characterized by one and the same diffusion process for all firms, akin to Gibrat’s seminal idea of a common stochastic description for the dynamics of firm growth. Here ...
    • openAccess   Global imbalances and the intertemporal external budget constraint: A multicointegration approach 

      Camarero, Mariam; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís; Tamarit, Cecilio Elsevier B.V. (2013-12)
      This paper analyzes the external solvency of a group of 23 OECD countries for the period 1970–2012. The empirical strategy adopted underlines the increasing importance of the financial channel for the external adjustment ...
    • openAccess   Global social identity and global cooperation 

      Buchan, Nancy R.; Brewer, Marilynn B.; Grimalda, Gianluca; Wilson, Rick K.; Fatás, Enrique; Foddy, Margaret Sage Publications (2011-06)
      This research examined the question of whether the psychology of social identity can motivate cooperation in the context of a global collective. Our data came from a multinational study of choice behavior in a multilevel ...
    • closedAccess   Global value chains and firms’ environmental performance 

      Siewers, Samuel; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Baghdadi, Leila Elsevier (2023-09-22)
      This paper analyzes the link between joining global value chains (GVCs) and firms’ environmental performance. Based on new survey data for firms in countries in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and MENA, we use propensity ...
    • openAccess   Globalisation: Recent traits and challenges 

      Cuadros, Ana; Ordóñez, Javier Wiley (2019)
      This special issue gathers together twelve papers that revisit a range of core topics in the field of international economics. These papers were presented at the XIX Conference on International Economics (CIE) held in ...
    • openAccess   Goals and guesses as reference points: a field experiment on student performance 

      Sabater-Grande, Gerardo; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Herranz-Zarzoso, Noemí Springer (2022-06)
      In this paper, we study overconfidence and goal-setting in academic performance, with and without monetary incentives. Students enrolled in a microeconomics course were offered the possibility of setting their own target ...
    • openAccess   Good and bad increases in ecological awareness: environmental differentiation revisited 

      García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos Now Publishers (2011)
      We analyze a vertically differentiated market, assuming that conventional and green firms’ products have different impacts on the environment. Heterogeneous consumers choose to be supplied by a conventional or a green ...
    • openAccess   Governing scarcity: water markets, equity and efficiency in pre-1950s eastern Spain 

      Garrido, Samuel Igitur Publishing (2011-08)
      It is usually taken for granted that the existence of water markets allows economic efficiency gains to be achieved at the expense of equity losses. This paper addresses the issue by analysing the functioning of the ...
    • openAccess   Granularidad de las Fluctuaciones del Ciclo Económico: El Caso Español 

      Blanco Arroyo, Omar; Alfarano, Simone Generalitat Valenciana: Comité economic i social de la Comunitat Valenciana (2016)
    • openAccess   Gravity of Covid-19 

      Masood, Amjad; Ahmed, Junaid; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Economics Bulletin (2022-02-20)
      In this study, we analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on bilateral trade using monthly data from January to June 2020. Imports of the OECD member states are analyzed using a structural gravity model of trade ...
    • openAccess   Gravity with unemployment 

      Heid, Benedikt Sebastian; Larch, Mario Elsevier (2016-05-10)
      Quantifying the welfare effects of trade liberalization is a core issue in international trade. Existing frameworks assume perfect labor markets and therefore ignore the effects of aggregate employment changes for welfare. ...