Ara mostrant els elements 227-246 d 696

    • openAccess   Exporting Activity in Rural Regions: Does it Differ from Urban Regions? Evidence form Poland 

      Nazarczuk, Jarosław; Umiński, Stanisław; Márquez-Ramos, Laura Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Journals (2024-03)
      Limited export potential can impede growth prospects. While core regions serve as hubs of globalization, the question remains as to how rural regions can increase their exports. By identifying the factors that enhance the ...
    • openAccess   Exporting and productivity: evidence for Egypt and Morocco 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Taylor & Francis (2020)
      This paper investigates the link between exporting and importing activities and firm performance using a rich dataset on Egyptian and Moroccan firms. We test the export premium, self-selection and learning-by-exporting ...
    • openAccess   Exports and governance: Is the Middle East and North Africa region different? 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Márquez-Ramos, Laura Wiley (2018)
      This paper aims to analyse whether a higher quality of economic governance rewards economic performance and facilitates the integration of the Middle East and North Africa region into the world economy. A gravity model of ...
    • openAccess   Exports and governance: the role of private voluntary agrifood standards 

      Fiankor, Dela-Dem Doe; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Brümmer, Bernhard Wiley (2019)
      The empirical evidence that institutional differences across countries affect bilateral trade is robust. The crucial question remains how countries can enhance trade amid these differences. In this article, we measure the ...
    • openAccess   External imbalances from a GVAR perspective 

      Camarero, Mariam; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís; Tamarit, Cecilio Wiley (2021-03-16)
      We study the drivers governing external disequilibria through a Global VAR (GVAR) analysis applied to a group of 24 countries during the period 1972–2017. The GVAR methodology is particularly well suited for our research ...
    • openAccess   External macroeconomic factors and the link between short- and long-run European interest rates: a note 

      Camarero, Mariam; Ordóñez, Javier; Tamarit, Cecilio Southern Economic Association (2009-04)
      This article analyzes the long-run relationships linking long- and short-run interest rates for the Euro-wide aggregated variables. To this end, we extend the set of variables traditionally involved in the Campbell and ...
    • openAccess   Extreme value theory as a theoretical background for power law behavior 

      Alfarano, Simone; Lux, Thomas Kiel Institute for the World Economy (2010)
      Power law behavior has been recognized to be a pervasive feature of many phenomena in natural and social sciences. While immense research efforts have been devoted to the analysis of behavioral mechanisms responsible for ...
    • openAccess   Family-focused intervention to promote adolescent mental health and well-being in Moldova and North Macedonia (FLOURISH): feasibility study protocol 

      Shenderovich, Yulia; Piolanti, Antonio; Babii, Viorel; Calovska-Hertzog, Nevena; Evans, Rhiannon E.; Heinrichs, Nina; Burgund Isakov, Anita; Lesco, Galina; Moore, Graham; Mueller, Janina; Raleva, Marija; Shimbov, Bojan; Simon, Judit; Waller, Franziska; Wienand, Dennis; Foran, Heather BMJ Publishing Group (2023-12)
      Introduction Family-Focused Adolescent & Lifelong Health Promotion (FLOURISH) project will adapt, implement and evaluate a programme to support adolescent mental health and well-being through strategies, such as strengthening ...
    • openAccess   FDI in Space Revisited: The Role of Spillovers on Foreign Direct Investment within the European Union 

      Alamá Sabater, Luisa; Heid, Benedikt Sebastian; Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo; Márquez-Ramos, Laura Wiley (2016)
      We estimate a spatial econometric interaction model for bilateral aggregate FDI stock data between 25 European Union member countries in 2010. We find evidence for spatial spillovers of foreign direct investment for three ...
    • openAccess   Feasible mitigation actions in developing countries 

      Jakob, Michael; Steckel, Jan Christoph; Lay, Jann; Grunewald, Nicole; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Renner, Sebastian; Edenhofer, Ottmar Nature Publishing Group (2014)
      Energy use is not only crucial for economic development, but is also the main driver of greenhouse-gas emissions. Developing countries can reduce emissions and thrive only if economic growth is disentangled from energy-related ...
    • openAccess   Female managers and firm performance: Evidence from the non-agricultural sectors in caribbean countries 

      Lo Bue, Maria Carmela; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Elsevier (2024-01-29)
      This paper investigates whether female-led firms in the Caribbean region are less productive than their male-led counterparts. Whereas previous literature focused on female ownership as a measure of female entrepreneurship ...
    • openAccess   Female top managers and firm performance 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada PLoS (2023-02-15)
      This paper uses firm-level data worldwide to investigate productivity gaps between female and male-managed companies in developing and developed countries and compare the outcomes obtained for different regions in the ...
    • openAccess   Fighting the COVID-19 Crisis: Debt Monetisation and EU Recovery Bonds 

      Botta, Alberto; Caverzasi, Eugenio; Russo, Alberto Springer (2020-07-28)
      This paper highlights some peculiar characteristics of the economic crisis induced by the spread of COVID-19. It suggests two intertwined policy measures in order to tackle the emergency phase of the crisis and to support ...
    • closedAccess   Financial inclusion and exclusion across Mexican municipalities 

      Cruz-García, Paula; Dircio Palacios Macedo, María del Carmen; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Wiley (2021)
      Although in recent years there has been a growth in banking services in Mexico, there is still a significant delay in terms of financial inclusion, which is also very uneven across municipalities. In this context, this ...
    • closedAccess   Financial Integration and Liquidity Crises 

      Castiglionesi, Fabio; Feriozzi, Fabio; Lorenzoni, Guido Informs (2019-03)
      This paper analyzes the effects of financial integration on the stability of the banking system. Financial integration allows banks in different regions to smooth local liquidity shocks by borrowing and lending on a world ...
    • closedAccess   Financial power laws: Empirical evidence, models, and mechanisms 

      Lux, Thomas; Alfarano, Simone Elsevier (2016-07)
      Financial markets (share markets, foreign exchange markets and others) are all characterized by a number of universal power laws. The most prominent example is the ubiquitous finding of a robust, approximately cubic power ...
    • openAccess   Firm Heterogeneity and Export Activity of European Firms: A Quantile Analysis 

      Orts, Vicente; Martí Arnau, Josep Sociedad de Economía Mundial (2018)
      This paper examines the extent to which firms’ characteristics are related to export activity behaviour. Using a dataset comprised of harmonized and detailed firm-level data from six European countries ...
    • openAccess   Firm heterogeneity and the market scope of European multinational activity 

      Alguacil, Maite; Martí Arnau, Josep; Orts, Vicente Elsevier (2017-09)
      This paper examines the relationship between the characteristics of European firms and the market scope of their international activity. We show, theoretically, that when markets can be served by exports or through foreign ...
    • closedAccess   Firm profitability and the network of organizational capabilities 

      Wagner, Friedrich; Milakovic, Mishael; Alfarano, Simone Elsevier (2010)
      A Laplace distribution for firm profit rates (or returns on assets) can be obtained through the sum of many independent shocks if the number of shocks is Poisson distributed. Interpreting this as a linear chain of events, ...
    • closedAccess   Firms' characteristics and their international location strategy: Micro-level evidence from European countries 

      Alguacil, Maite; Marti, Josep; Orts, Vicente Elsevier (2022-08-13)
      This paper takes micro-level evidence as the basis on which to investigate to what extent firms' heterogeneity is relevant in the internationalization strategy and location choice of European multinational enterprises. We ...