• openAccess   Bitcoin attention and economic policy uncertainty 

      GILL DE ALBORNOZ NOGUER, BELEN; Lafuente-Luengo, Juan Angel; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordonez, Javier Elsevier (2024)
      This paper explores the role of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) as driver of the Bitcoin public attention. Using Google trends data from January 2010 to November 2021 in a set of 22 countries, a Principal Components ...
    • closedAccess   Club convergence in European housing prices: The role of macroeconomic and housing market fundamentals 

      Maynou Pujolras, Laia; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Morley, Bruce; Ordóñez, Javier Elsevier (2021-07-12)
      This study aims to determine whether there is convergence in house prices across a sample of European economies, including members and non-members of the Eurozone. Overall the literature has found no evidence of convergence ...
    • openAccess   Co-movement between residential and commercial housing prices: evidence from a new database 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes Taylor & Francis (2020)
      The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the issue of the co-movement between residential real estate and commercial real estate using a newly developed database by the Bank if International Settlements. Our results ...
    • openAccess   Current account sustainability in Central and Eastern Europe: structural change and crisis 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes Springer (2020-02-13)
      In this paper we analyse the evolution of the current account as a percentage of GDP for a group of Central and Eastern European Countries. Instead of analysing only the variable for unit roots, we go a step further and ...
    • openAccess   Does Perceived Corruption Converge? International Evidence 

      Lafuente-Luengo, Juan Angel; Marco Gual, Amparo; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier De Gruyter (2022-03-17)
      This article analyses the evolution over time of perceived corruption for a large set of countries worldwide. To proxy corruption, we use the recently proposed Bayesian Corruption Index (Standaert, S. (2015). Divining the ...
    • openAccess   Fiscal consumption and private consumption in Europe: what have we learned? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes Taylor and Francis (2022)
      In this paper we contribute to the long literature on how fiscal policy affects the real economy. In particular, we focus on how government consumption affects private consumption for a pool of European economies. We ...
    • openAccess   Gas price shocks, the current account, and the real exchange rate: An empirical analysis for the EU 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordonez, Javier Elsevier (2024)
      The aim of this paper is to analyse how gas price shocks affect the real exchange rate (RER) and the current account (CA) for a panel of countries from the EU28. We estimate VAR models and account for the possibility of ...
    • openAccess   Has the relationship between the real exchange rate and its fundamentals changed over time? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Shimbov, Bojan Taylor and Francis (2022-07-11)
      In this paper we contribute to the literature on determining the real exchange rate by using models that incorporate structural breaks and nonlinearities. We estimate cointegrated dynamic ordinary least squares regressions ...
    • openAccess   Have real exchange rates and competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe fundamentally changed? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordoñez Monfort, Javier Elsevier (2024-01-01)
      In this paper we analyse the evolution of the RER and its main fundamentals for a group of Central and Eastern European countries. We focus particularly on the possibility of structural breaks in the relationship. We find ...
    • closedAccess   Inequality and Unemployment Patterns in Europe: Does Integration Lead to (Real) Convergence? 

      Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier; Sala Lorda, Héctor Springer Verlag (2018)
      The economic convergence criteria adopted in the Maastricht Treaty and the fiscal discipline of the Stability and Growth Pact enforced nominal convergence, leaving aside real convergence indicators. In this paper, we use ...
    • openAccess   Measuring the Cost of Covid-19 in Terms of the Rise in the Unemployment Rate: The Case of Spain 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Ordóñez, Javier; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes Universitaet Kiel. Institut fuer Weltwirtschaft (2021)
      In this article, we aim to estimate what the cost of Covid-19 has been in terms of unemployment for Spain. We use a simple autoregressive model to simulate what the unemployment rate would have been without the pandemic ...
    • openAccess   Oil prices, unemployment and the financial crisis in oil-importing countries: The case of Spain 

      Ordóñez, Javier; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Cuestas, Juan Carlos (2019-08-15)
      The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of oil price shocks on unemployment in an oil-importing country such as Spain to determine whether they affect unemployment differently in times of financial distress. In order ...
    • openAccess   Re-assessing causality between energy consumption and economic growth 

      Ghoshray, Atanu; Mendoza, Yurena; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Public Library of Science (2018)
      The energy consumption-growth nexus has been widely studied in the empirical literature, though results have been inconclusive regarding the direction, or even the existence, of causality. These inconsistent results can ...
    • openAccess   Re-examining inequality persistence 

      Ghoshray, Atanu; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Institute for the World Economy (2020-01-20)
      Although it is not a new phenomenon, in recent years inequality has moved to the top of the political agenda given the concern that will result in political instability and social resentment. Persistence in inequality can ...
    • closedAccess   Real convergence in Europe: A cluster analysis 

      Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Ordóñez, Javier Elsevier (2013)
      In this paper we analyse real convergence in GDP per worker in the EU member states. The aim is to test whether there is evidence of club convergence in the EU, i.e. divergence in GDP per worker. Evidence in favour of ...
    • openAccess   Social Exclusion and Convergence in the EU: An Assessment of the Europe 2020 Strategy 

      Lafuente-Luengo, Juan Angel; Marco Gual, Amparo; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier MDPI (2020)
      Economic convergence has long been a declared objective of the EU and considered the fundamental mechanism for achieving socioeconomic cohesion. The recent economic crisis had an uneven impact across EU countries and brought ...
    • openAccess   Stochastic convergence in real personal disposable income in the EU: A note 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier John Wiley and Sons (2020-08-10)
      Economic convergence has long been a declared objective of the EU and has been considered the fundamental mechanism for achieving socioeconomic cohesion. Even so, the empirical literature finds a lack of real convergence ...
    • openAccess   The education pillar of the Europe 2020 strategy: a convergence analysis 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Springer (2021-03-26)
      In March 2010, the European Commission launched the Europe 2020 strategy ‘for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ in the EU. Education is a major pillar of the Europe 2020 strategy due to its long-run impact on economic ...
    • closedAccess   Unemployment Convergence in Central and Eastern European Countries: Driving Forces and Cluster Behavior 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Taylor & Francis (2015)
      Employing a nonlinear logistic smooth transition autoregression system and comovement analysis, we find that the German business cycle has acted as a common driver affecting the cyclical behavior of unemployment rates in ...