Now showing items 1-20 of 726

    • openAccess   3D printing, international trade, and FDI 

      Abeliansky, Ana Lucia; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Prettner, Klaus Elsevier (2020-02)
      We analyze the relationship between 3D printing, the volume of trade and the structure of foreign direct investment (FDI). A novel framework with rm-speci c heterogeneity and 3D printing generates three predictions. ...
    • openAccess   50 years of capital mobility in the eurozone: breaking the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle 

      Camarero, Mariam; Muñoz, Alejandro; Tamarit, Cecilio Springer Nature (2021-12-22)
      This paper assesses capital mobility for the Eurozone countries by studying the long-run relationship between domestic investment and savings for the period 1970-2019. Our main goal is to analyze the impact of economic ...
    • openAccess   A calibration procedure for analyzing stock price dynamics in an agent-based framework 

      Recchioni, Maria Cristina; Tedeschi, Gabriele; Gallegati, Mauro Elsevier (2015-11)
      In this paper we introduce a calibration procedure for validating of agent based models. Starting from the well-known financial model of (Brock and Hommes, 1998), we show how an appropriate calibration enables the model ...
    • openAccess   A cross-national panel study of devaluations on disaggregated export sectors: A case for sector specific policies 

      Cantavella, Manuel; Gutiérrez de Piñeres, Sheila Amin Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies (2012)
      The focus of this paper is a global examination of how different export sectors react to real devaluations in the short term. The disaggregated nature of the data allows a closer analysis of the underlying cross-export ...
    • openAccess   A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Growth and Profit Rate Distribution: The Spanish Case 

      Vidal-Tomás, David; Ruiz-Buforn, Alba; Blanco Arroyo, Omar; Alfarano, Simone MDPI (2022-03-14)
      We analyse the time evolution of the empirical cross-sectional distribution of firms’ profit and growth rates. In particular, we analyse the conditional properties of the empirical distributions depending on the size of ...
    • openAccess   A Fresh Assessment of the Depth of the “Euro Effect" on US FDI 

      Camarero, Mariam; Moliner, Sergi; Tamarit, Cecilio European Union (2024-02-07)
      This paper analyzes how European monetary integration has affected US outward FDI (OFDI), which we call the “euro effect". To this aim, we consider the determinants of OFDI for a large group of 56 host countries in ...
    • openAccess   A gender bias in reporting expected ranks when performance feedback is at stake 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; García-Segarra, Jaume; Ritschel, Alexander Elsevier (2022-03-22)
      We introduce a mechanism for eliciting beliefs that combines the simple use of monetary incentives with the desire to know the own performance. In our experiment, participants performed a real-effort task that naturally ...
    • openAccess   A global dataset of pandemic- and epidemic-prone disease outbreaks 

      Torres Munguia, Juan Armando; Badarau, Florina Cristina; Díaz Pavez, Luis R.; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Wacker, Konstantin Nature (2022)
      this paper presents a new dataset of infectious disease outbreaks collected from the Disease Outbreak News and the Coronavirus Dashboard produced by the World Health Organization. the dataset contains information on 70 ...
    • closedAccess   A latent class model with attribute cut-offs to analyze modal choice for freight transport 

      Román, Concepción; Arencibia, Ana Isabel; Feo Valero, María Elsevier (2017)
      We use stated preference data to analyze modal choice for freight transport when information about attribute cut-offs is introduced into the utility specification. Different choice models are estimated to account for the ...
    • openAccess   A Markov switching SVAR analysis on the relationship between exchange rate changes and stock returns in China 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Tang, Bo Emerald (2020-04-22)
      Purpose This study investigates the spillover effects between exchange rate changes and stock returns in China. The authors find that no significant interconnections exist between stock returns and exchange rates ...
    • openAccess   A model of the topology of the bank – firm credit network and its role as channel of contagion 

      Lux, Thomas; Lux, Thomas Elsevier (2016-05)
      This paper proposes a stochastic model of a bipartite credit network between banks and the non-bank corporate sector that encapsulates basic stylized facts found in comprehensive data sets for bank-firm loans for a number ...
    • openAccess   A multilevel decomposition of school performance using robust nonparametric frontier techniques 

      Thieme, Claudio; Prior, Diego; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Elsevier (2013)
      We propose a methodology for evaluating educational performance, from a multilevel perspective. We use partial frontier approaches to mitigate the influence of outliers and the curse of dimensionality. Our estimation ...
    • openAccess   A new interpretation of the distance puzzle based on geographic neutrality 

      Arribas, Iván; Pérez García, Francisco; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Clark University (2011-07)
      One of the most remarkable features of globalization is that advances in technology have contributed to reducing the costs of trade (e.g., transportation and communication costs) and thus have boosted international trade. ...
    • openAccess   A Nonparametric approach to the noise density in stochastic volatility models 

      Alfarano, Simone; Wagner, Friedrich; Milakovic, Mishael Taylor & Francis (2008-09)
      We propose a nonparametric method to determine the functional form of the noise density in discrete-time stochastic volatility models of financial returns. Our approach suggests that the assumption of Gaussian noise is ...
    • closedAccess   A note on institutional hierarchy and volatility in financial markets 

      Alfarano, Simone; Milakovic, Mishael; Raddant, Matthias Taylor & Francis (2011-01)
      From a statistical point of view, the prevalence of non-Gaussian distributions in financial returns and their volatilities shows that the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) often does not apply in financial markets. In this ...
    • closedAccess   A note on institutional hierarchy and volatility in financial markets 

      Alfarano, Simone; Raddant, Matthias; Milakovic, Mishael Taylor & Francis (2012)
      From a statistical point of view, the prevalence of non-Gaussian distributions in financial returns and their volatilities shows that the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) often does not apply in financial markets. In this ...
    • openAccess   A Panel Data Analysis of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion effects: The case of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 

      Yang, Shanping; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Elsevier (2014-06)
      This study uses a theoretically justified gravity model of trade to examine the impact of the ASEAN–China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) on exports, focusing on trade creation and diversion effects. The model is tested on a ...
    • openAccess   A simple model of herd behavior, a comment 

      MORONE, ANDREA Elsevier (2012)
      In this paper we analyze the role played by the tie-breaking assumptions in Banerjee’s model of herd behavior. Changing one assumption we obtain three important results: players’ strategies are parameter dependent; an ...
    • openAccess   A spectral perspective on excess volatility 

      Livan, Giacomo; Alfarano, Simone; Milakovic, Mishael; Scalas, Enrico Taylor & Francis (2015)
      We perform a rather careful spectral analysis of the correlation structures observed in real and financial returns for a large pool of long-lived US corporations, and find that financial returns are characterized by strong ...
    • openAccess   A statistical equilibrium model of competitive firms 

      Alfarano, Simone; Milakovic, Mishael; Irle, Albrecht; Kauschke, Jonas Elsevier (2012-01)
      We find that the empirical density of firm profit rates, measured as returns on assets, is markedly non-Gaussian and reasonably well described by an exponential power (or Subbotin) distribution. We start from a statistical ...