Mostrando ítems 1822-1841 de 2730

      Palabras claves
      Parkinson’s disease [1]
      Paroxetine [2]
      particle filtration [1]
      partition equilibrium [1]
      partitioning [1]
      Passive sampling [1]
      Patients [1]
      patients [1]
      PbMoO4 [1]
      PBS nanoplatelets [1]
      PbSiO3 [1]
      PCBs [1]
      PCST ternary system [1]
      PD-L1 [1]
      Peak half-widths [1]
      Peak performance [1]
      Peak profiles in chromatography are characterised by their height, position, width and asymmetry; the two latter depend on the values of the left and right peak half-widths. Simple correlations have been found between the peak half-widths and the retention times. The representation of such correlations has been called half-width plots. For isocratic elution, the plots are parabolic, although often, the parabolas can be approximated to straight-lines. The plots can be obtained with the half-widths/retention time data for a set of solutes experiencing the same kinetics, eluted with a mobile phase at fixed or varying composition. When the analysed solutes experience different resistance to mass transfer, the plots will be solute dependent, and should be obtained with the data for each solute eluted with mobile phases at varying composition. The half-width plots approach is a simple tool that facilitates the prediction of peak shape (width and asymmetry) with optimisation purposes, reveal the interaction kinetics of solutes in different columns, and characterise chromatographic columns. This work shows half-width plots for different situations in isocratic elution, including the use of different flows, the effect of temperature, the modification of the stationary phase surface by an additive, the existence of specific interactions within the column, and the comparison of columns. The adaptation to gradient elution is also described. Previous knowledge on half-width plots is structured and analysed, to which new results are added. [1]
      Peak shape [1]
      PEC [1]
      Penicillins [1]