Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • openAccess   Disclosing the Biocide Activity of α-Ag2−2xCuxWO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.16) Solid Solutions 

      Llusar, Rosa; Andres, Juan; Gouveia, Amanda; Guillamón, Eva; Sorribes, Iván; Pereira, Paula; Foggi, Camila Cristina; Pinatti, Ivo M; Cabral, Luís; San-Miguel, Miguel A.; Vergani, Carlos; Simões, Alexandre; Silva, Edison; Cavalcante, Laécio Santos; Longo, Elson MDPI (2022-09-11)
      n this work, α-Ag2−2xCuxWO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.16) solid solutions with enhanced antibacterial (against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and antifungal (against Candida albicans) activities are reported. A plethora of ...
    • openAccess   Evidence for the formation of metallic In after laser irradiation of InP 

      Cabral, Luís; Andres, Juan; Machado, Thales Rafael; Picinin, Adalberto; Rino, José Pedro; Lopez-Richard, Victor; Longo, Elson; Gouveia, Amanda; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio; da Silva, Edison; San-Miguel, Miguel A. AIP Publishing (2019-07-12)
      Structural and electronic changes induced by laser irradiation are currently of interest owing to the possibility to tune the mechanical, optical, and transport properties of the irradiated materials. In this work, we ...
    • openAccess   Formation of Metallic Ag on AgBr by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation 

      Cabral, Luís; Andres, Juan; Longo, Elson; San-Miguel, Miguel A.; da Silva, Edison MDPI (2022-06-01)
      Laser irradiation of materials induces changes in their structure and functional properties. In this work, lattice heating and electronic excitation on silver bromide (AgBr), provoked by femtosecond laser irradiation, ...
    • openAccess   Unveiling the Ag-Bi miscibility at the atomic level: A theoretical insight 

      Añez, Rafael; Cabral, Luís; Silva, Edison; Longo, Elson; Andres, Juan; San-Miguel, Miguel A. Elsevier (2021-06-03)
      Alloying metals that are not miscible at the solid bulk phase attracted great interest in the scientific community due to their distinctive electronic, optical, catalytic, and magnetic properties compared to pure metals. ...