• openAccess   A Working Hypothesis for the Role of the Cerebellum in Impulsivity and Compulsivity 

      MIQUEL, MARTA; Nicola, Saleem; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Sanchez-Hernandez, Aitor Frontiers Media (2019-05)
      Growing evidence associates cerebellar abnormalities with several neuropsychiatric disorders in which compulsive symptomatology and impulsivity are part of the disease pattern. Symptomatology of autism, addiction, ...
    • openAccess   Amino acid tissue levels and GABAa receptor binding in the developing rat cerebellum following status epilepticus 

      MIQUEL, MARTA; López Meraz, María Leonor; Rocha, Luisa L.; Ortega, Jenny C.; Pérez-Estudillo, César A.; García, Luis I.; Hernández, María Elena; Manzo, Jorge Elsevier (2012)
      Incidence of status epilepticus (SE) is higher in children than in adults and SE can be induced in developing rats. The cerebellum can be affected after SE; however, consequences of cerebellar amino acid transmission ...
    • openAccess   Cerebellar hallmarks of conditioned preference for cocaine 

      Carbó Gas, María; Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Gil-Miravet, Isis; De las Heras-Chanes, Joan; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; Manzo, Jorge; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier (2014)
      Pavlovian conditioning tunes the motivational drive of drug-associated stimuli, fostering the probability of those environmental stimuli to promote and trigger drug seeking and taking. Interestingly, different areas in ...
    • closedAccess   Cerebellar perineuronal nets in cocaine-induced pavlovian memory: Site matters 

      Carbó Gas, María; Moreno Rius, Josep; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Carulli, Daniela; Hoebeek, Freek; De Zeeuw, Chris; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier (2017-07-14)
      One of the key mechanisms for the stabilization of synaptic changes near the end of critical periods for experience-dependent plasticity is the formation of specific lattice extracellular matrix structures called perineuronal ...
    • openAccess   Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), leaves virtual navigation performance unchanged 

      Ferrucci, Roberta; Serino, Silvia; Ruggiero, Fabiana; Repetto, Claudia; Colombo, Desirée; Pedroli, Elisa; Marceglia, Sara; Riva, Giuseppe; Priori, Alberto Frontiers Media (2019-03-12)
      Spatial cognition is an umbrella term used to refer to the complex set of abilities necessary to encode, categorize, and use spatial information from the surrounding environment to move effectively and orient within it. ...
    • openAccess   Cocaine-induced plasticity in the cerebellum of sensitised mice 

      Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Carbó Gas, María; Leto, Ketty; Cerezo García, Miguel; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; Carulli, Daniela; Rossi, Ferdinando; MIQUEL, MARTA Springer Verlag (2015)
      Rationale Prior research has accumulated a substantial amount of evidence on the ability of cocaine to produce short- and long-lasting molecular and structural plasticity in the corticostriatal-limbic circuitry. However, ...
    • openAccess   Cocaine-Induced Preference Conditioning: a Machine Vision Perspective 

      Traver Roig, Vicente Javier; Pla, Filiberto; MIQUEL, MARTA; Carbó Gas, María; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian Springer (2018)
      Existing work on drug-induced synaptic changes has shown that the expression of perineuronal nets (PNNs) at the cerebellar cortex can be regulated by cocaine-related memory. However, these studies on animals have mostly ...
    • openAccess   Conducta sexual y neurogénesis adulta: ¿por qué estudiar el cerebelo? 

      Aguirre, Carmen; Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; Toledo, Rebeca; López Meraz, María Leonor; Manzo, Jorge; MIQUEL, MARTA Universidad Veracruzana, Dirección General de Investigaciones (2011)
      La neurogénesis adulta es la formación de nuevas neuronas en cerebro adulto y constituye una respuesta de adaptación al ambiente o a cambios impuestos sobre la fisiología neuronal. Su regulación se lleva a cabo por factores ...
    • openAccess   Involving the cerebellum in cocaine-induced memory: pattern of CFOS expression in mice trained to acquire conditioned preference for cocaine 

      Carbó Gas, María; Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Aguirre Manzo, Luisa; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; Manzo, Jorge; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; MIQUEL, MARTA Wiley (2014-01)
      Because of its primary role in drug-seeking, consumption and addictive behaviour, there is a growing interest in identifying the neural circuits and molecular mechanisms underlying the formation, maintenance and retrieval ...
    • closedAccess   Sexual reward induces Fos In the cerebellum of female rats 

      Paredes Ramos, Pedro; Pfaus, James G.; MIQUEL, MARTA; Manzo, Jorge; Coria Ávila, Genaro A. Elsevier (2011)
      The cerebellum is generally considered a neural structure specialized in motor control and recent imaging data suggest its role in sexual behavior. Herein, we analyzed the pattern of Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) in the ...
    • openAccess   The cerebellum in drug craving 

      Moreno Rius, Josep; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier (2017-04-01)
      Craving has been considered one of the core features of addiction. It can be defined as the urge or conscious desire to use a drug elicited by the drug itself, drug-associated cues or stressors. Craving plays a major role ...
    • openAccess   The cerebellum on cocaine: plasticity and metaplasticity 

      Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Leto, Ketty; Cerezo García, Miguel; Carbó Gas, María; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; Carulli, Daniela; Rossi, Ferdinando; MIQUEL, MARTA Wiley (2015-09)
      Despite the fact that several data have supported the involvement of the cerebellum in the functional alterations observed after prolonged cocaine use, this brain structure has been traditionally ignored and excluded from ...
    • closedAccess   The effects of enriched environment on BDNF expression in the mouse cerebellum depending on the length of exposure 

      Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; Toledo, Rebeca; Hernández, María Elena; Manzo, Jorge; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier (2013-04-15)
      Environmental enrichment (EE) has been proposed as a factor that improves neuronal connectivity and brain plasticity. The induction of molecular mechanisms that takes place in the cortex, nucleus accumbens and hippocampus ...
    • openAccess   Why should we keep the cerebellum in mind when thinking about addiction? 

      MIQUEL, MARTA; Toledo, Rebeca; García, Luis I.; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; Manzo, Jorge Bentham Science Publishers (2009)
      Increasing evidence has involved the cerebellum in functions beyond the sphere of motor control. In the present article, we review evidence that involves the cerebellum in addictive behaviour. We aimed on molecular and ...