• A multidimensional dynamical approach to iterative methods with memory 

      Campos, Beatriz; Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2015-11-15)
      A dynamical approach on the dynamics of iterative methods with memory for solving nonlinear equations is made. We have designed new methods with memory from Steffensen’ or Traub’s schemes, as well as from a parametric ...
    • openAccess   Chaos  in  King's  iterative  family   

      Cordero Barbero, Alicia; García Maimó, Javier; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vassileva, Maria P.; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2013-08)
      In this paper, the dynamics of King’s family of iterative schemes for solving nonlinear equations is studied. The parameter spaces are presented, showing the complexity of the family. The analysis of the parameter space ...
    • openAccess   Dynamics of a family of Chebyshev-Halley 

      Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2013-04-15)
      In this paper, the dynamics of the Chebyshev–Halley family is studied on quadratic polynomials. A singular set, that we call cat set, appears in the parameter space associated to the family. This set has interesting ...
    • openAccess   Stability of King’s family of iterative methods with memory 

      Campos, Beatriz; Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2017-07)
      In the literature exist many iterative methods with memory for solving nonlinear equations, the most of them designed in the last years. As they use the information of (at least) the two previous iterates to generate the ...
    • openAccess   Study of a Biparametric Family of Iterative Methods 

      Campos, Beatriz; Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Magreñán Ruiz, Ángel Alberto; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014-12-24)
      Thedynamics of a biparametric family for solving nonlinear equations is studied on quadratic polynomials. This biparametric family includes the 𝑐������-iterative methods and the well-known Chebyshev-Halley family.We find ...
    • openAccess   Study of the dynamics of third-order iterative methods on quadratic polynomials 

      Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Taylor & Francis (2012)
      In this paper, we analyse the dynamical behaviour of the operators associated with multi-point interpolation iterative methods and frozen derivative methods, for solving nonlinear equations, applied on second-degree complex ...