Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • openAccess   Hybrids of Gibbs Point Process Models and Their Implementation 

      Baddeley, Adrian; Turner, Rolf; Mateu, Jorge; Bevan, Andrew Foundation for Open Access Statistics (2013)
      We describe a simple way to construct new statistical models for spatial point pattern data. Taking two or more existing models (finite Gibbs spatial point processes) we multiply the probability densities together and ...
    • closedAccess   Spatial generalised linear mixed models based on distances 

      Melo, Oscar O.; Mateu, Jorge; Melo, Carlos E. Sage Publications (2016)
      Risk models derived from environmental data have been widely shown to be effective in delineating geographical areas of risk because they are intuitively easy to understand. We present a new method based on distances, ...
    • openAccess   Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited 

      Casas, Fernando; Sanz-Serna, JM; Shaw, Luke Daniel Springer (2022)
      We study Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) samplers based on splitting the Hamiltonian H as H0(θ , p)+U1(θ ), where H0 is quadratic and U1 small. We show that, in general, such samplers suffer from stepsize stability restrictions ...