• openAccess   A characterization of a local vector valued Bollobás Theorem 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Rueda Zoca, Abraham Springer Nature (2021-07-30)
      In this paper, we are interested in giving two characterizations for the so-called property Lo,o, a local vector valued Bollobás type theorem. We say that (X, Y) has this property whenever given ε>0 and an operador T:X→Y, ...
    • openAccess   Norm-attaining lattice homomorphisms 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Martínez Cervantes, Gonzalo; Rodríguez Abellán, José David; Rueda Zoca, Abraham EMS (European Mathematical Society) (2021-07-26)
      In this paper we study the structure of the set Hom(X,R) of all lattice homomorphisms from a Banach lattice X into R. Using the relation among lattice homomorphisms and disjoint families, we prove that the topological dual ...