Now showing items 577-596 of 769

    • openAccess   QOptCraft: A Python package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems 

      Gomez-Aguado, Daniel; Gimeno, Vicent; Moyano-Fernández, Julio José; Garcia-Escartin, Juan Carlos Elsevier (2022-08-29)
      The manipulation of the quantum states of light in linear optical systems has multiple applications in quantum optics and quantum computation. The package QOptCraft gives a collection of methods to solve some of the most ...
    • closedAccess   Qualitative analysis of Bayes–Nash equilibrium in weak asymmetric auctions 

      Momparler Pechuán, Juan; Gregori, Pablo Elsevier (2011-03)
      We propose a simple qualitative methodology for improving the understanding of the nature of equilibrium strategies in asymmetric first-price sealed-bid auctions when departures from symmetry are weak. We exemplify this ...
    • openAccess   Quality of life, big data and the power of statistics 

      Gupta, Shivam; Mateu, Jorge; Degbelo, Auriol; Pebesma, Edzer Elsevier (2018)
      The digital era has opened up new possibilities for data-driven research. This paper discusses big data challenges in environmental monitoring and reflects on the use of statisticalmethodsintacklingthesechallengesforim ...
    • openAccess   Quantifying Uncertainties for Prostate Image-Guided Radiotherapy: A 3D Organ Reconstruction and Registration Method 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Masó, Rubén; Lliso, Françoise; López Tarjuelo, Juan Bentham Science Publishers (2009)
      The purpose of this paper is to present a method for volumetric reconstruction, registration and margin assignation applicable to both conventional CT scans and on board CT imaging. This method does not depend on the shape ...
    • openAccess   Quantitative analysis of competition models 

      Chiralt, Cristina; Ferragut, Antoni; Gasull, Armengol; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2017)
      We study a 2-species Lotka–Volterra type differential system, modeling competition between two species and having a coexistence equilibrium in the first quadrant. In case that this equilibrium is of saddle type, its ...
    • openAccess   Quantum codes from a new construction of self-orthogonal algebraic geometry codes 

      Hernando, Fernando; McGuire, Gary; Monserrat, Francisco; Moyano-Fernández, Julio José Springer (2020)
      We present new quantum codes with good parameters which are constructed from self-orthogonal algebraic geometry codes. Our method permits a wide class of curves to be used in the formation of these codes. These results ...
    • openAccess   Quantum codes from affine variety codes and their subfield-subcodes 

      Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando Springer (2015-07)
      We use affine variety codes and their subfield-subcodes to obtain quantum stabilizer codes via the CSS code construction. With this procedure we get codes with good parameters, some of them exceeding the CSS quantum ...
    • closedAccess   Quasi-arithmetic means of covariance functions with potential applications to space-time data 

      Porcu, Emilio; Mateu, Jorge; Christakos, George Elsevier (2009)
      The theory of quasi-arithmetic means represents a powerful tool in the study of covariance functions across space-time. In the present study we use quasi-arithmetic functionals to make inferences about the permissibility ...
    • closedAccess   Quasi-Uniformities and Quotients of Paratopological Groups 

      Sánchez, Iván; Sanchis López, Manuel Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia (2017)
      For a subgroup H of a paratopological group G we prove that the quotient topology of the coset space G / H is induced by a rotund quasi-uniformity and the quotient topology of the semiregularization ( G / H ...
    • closedAccess   R-factorizable paratopological groups 

      Sanchis López, Manuel; Tkachenko, Mikhail Elsevier (2010)
      For i = 1, 2, 3, 3.5, we define the class of R<sub>i</sub>-factorizable paratopological groups G by the condition that every continuous real-valued function on G can be factorized through a continuous homomorphism p : G → ...
    • closedAccess   Radon-Nikodým derivatives for vector measures belonging to Köthe function spaces 

      Calabuig, J. M.; Gregori, Pablo; Sánchez Pérez, Enrique A. Elsevier (2008)
      Let m, n be a couple of vector measures with values on a Banach space. We develop a separation argument which provides a characterization of when the Radon-Nikodým derivative of n with respect to m-in the sense of the ...
    • openAccess   Random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations: mean square analytic solutions and their statistical properties 

      Calatayud, Julia; Cortés, Juan Carlos; Jornet, Marc; Villafuerte, L. Springer (2018-10-24)
      In this paper we study random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations by taking advantage of the powerful theory of random difference equations. The coefficients are assumed to be stochastic processes, ...
    • openAccess   Rational maps with Fatou components of arbitrarily large connectivity 

      Canela, Jordi Elsevier (2018-02-02)
      We study the family of singular perturbations of Blaschke products . We analyse how the connectivity of the Fatou components varies as we move continuously the parameter λ. We prove that all possible escaping configurations ...
    • openAccess   Real-Linear Isometries and Jointly Norm-Additive Maps on Function Algebras 

      Hosseini, Maliheh; Font, Juan J. Springer (2015)
      In this paper, we describe into real-linear isometries defined between (not necessarily unital) function algebras and show, based on an example, that this type of isometries behaves differently from surjective real-linear ...
    • openAccess   Real-Multilinear Isometries on Function Algebras 

      Font, Juan J.; Hosseini, Maliheh Springer International Publishing (2017)
      Let A 1 ,...,A k be function algebras (or more generally, dense subspaces of uniformly closed function algebras) on locally compact Haus- dorff spaces X 1 ,...,X k , respectively, and let Y be a locally ...
    • closedAccess   Reality, Systems and Impure Systems 

      Nescolarde-Selva, J.; Usó Doménech, Josep Lluís Springer (2014)
      Impure systems contain Objects and Subjects: Subjects are human beings. We can distinguish a person as an observer (subjectively outside the system) and that by definition is the Subject himself, and part of the system. ...
    • closedAccess   Recent advances to model anisotropic space–time data 

      Mateu, Jorge; Porcu, Emilio; Gregori, Pablo Springer-Verlag (2008-05)
      Building new and flexible classes of nonseparable spatio-temporal covariances and variograms has resulted a key point of research in the last years. The goal of this paper is to present an up-to-date overview of recent ...
    • openAccess   Reconstrucción cognitiva de los conceptos centrales de la función exponencial: un estudio de enfoque mixto 

      Rodríguez, Miguel A.; Ledezma Araya, Carlos Andrés; Vergara Gómez, Andrea Stephanie; Gregori, Pablo Centro de Informacion Tecnologica (2021)
      Este estudio presenta evidencias sobre la validación de un modelo cognitivo llamado descomposición genética para la reconstrucción del concepto función exponencial. Se encuesta a 22 estudiantes del profesorado de matemática ...
    • openAccess   Reflections in topological algebraic structures 

      HERNÁNDEZ ARZUSA, JULIO CÉSAR; Hernández, Salvador Elsevier (2020-08)
      Let C be an epireflective subcategory of Top and let rC be the epireflective functor associated with C. If A denotes a (semi)topological algebraic subcategory of Top, we study when rC (A) is an epireflective subcategory ...
    • openAccess   Reflexivity in precompact groups and extensions 

      Galindo, Jorge; Tkachenko, Mikhail; Bruguera, Montserrat; Hernández, Constancio Elsevier (2014-02)
      We establish some general principles and find some counter-examples concerning the Pontryagin reflexivity of precompact groups and P-groups. We prove in particular that: (1) A precompact Abelian group G of ...