• openAccess   Continuous Selections and Extremally Disconnected Spaces 

      Pimienta, Adolfo; Sanchis, Manuel MDPI (2023)
      This paper deals with extremally disconnected spaces and extremally disconnected Pspaces. A space X is said to be extremally disconnected if, for every open subset V of X, the closure of V in X is also an open set. P-spaces ...
    • openAccess   Endograph Metric and a Version of the Arzelà–Ascoli Theorem for Fuzzy Sets 

      Font, Juan J.; Macario, Sergio; Sanchis, Manuel MDPI (2023)
      In this paper, we provide several Arzelà–Ascoli-type results on the space of all continuous functions from a Tychonoff space X into the fuzzy sets of Rn , (FUSCB(Rn),Hend) , which are upper semi-continuous and have bounded ...
    • openAccess   Fuzzy sets on uniform spaces 

      Jardón, Daniel; Sánchez, Iván; Sanchis, Manuel University of Sistan and Baluchestan (2023-12-15)