• openAccess   Assessment of OGC Web Processing Services for REST principles 

      Granell, Carlos; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Tamayo Fong, Alain; Huerta, Joaquin Inderscience (2014)
      Recent distributed computing trends advocate the use of REpresentational State Transfer (REST) to alleviate the inherent complexity of the web services standards in building service-oriented web applications. In this paper ...
    • openAccess   Citizen-based sensing of crisis events: sensor web enablement for volunteered geographic information 

      Schade, Sven; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Ostermann, Frank; Spinsanti, Laura; Luraschi, Gianluca; Cox, Simon; Núñez Redó, Manuela; De Longueville, Bertrand Springer Verlag (2011-07-19)
      Thanks to recent convergence of greater access to broadband connections, the availability of Global Positioning Systems in small packages at affordable prices and more participative forms of interaction on the Web (Web ...
    • openAccess   Developing a Forest Data Portal to Support Multi-Scale Decision Making 

      McInerney, Daniel; Bastin, Lucy; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Figueiredo, Carlos A.; Barredo, José I.; San Miguel-Ayanz, Jesús Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2012)
      Forests play a pivotal role in timber production, maintenance and development of biodiversity and in carbon sequestration and storage in the context of the Kyoto Protocol. Policy makers and forest experts therefore require ...
    • openAccess   Discovery and integration of Web 2.0 content into geospatial information infrastructures: a use case in wild fire monitoring 

      Núñez Redó, Manuela; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Gil, José; González, David; Huerta, Joaquin Springer (2011)
      Efficient environment monitoring has become a major concern for society to guarantee sustainable development. For instance, forest fire detection and analysis is important to provide early warning systems and identify ...
    • openAccess   Global earth observation initiatives: European contributions to GEOSS 

      Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Granell, Carlos; Huerta, Joaquin; Simonazzi Domínguez, Walter Novática (2009-04)
      This article provides an introduction to European initiatives relating to spatial and environmental data policy contribut- ing to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). We begin by describing the background ...
    • openAccess   gvSOS: a new client for the OGC® Sensor Obseration Service Interface standard 

      Tamayo Fong, Alain; Huerta, Joaquin; Granell, Carlos; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Quirós Bauset, Ricardo Wiley-Blackwell (2009-06)
      A key problem with sensor networks is achieving interoperability between different networks potentially built using different software and hardware platforms. Services interfaced by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) ...
    • openAccess   Iniciativas globales para la Observación de la Tierra: Contribuciones europeas a GEOSS 

      Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Granell, Carlos; Huerta, Joaquin; Simonazzi Domínguez, Walter Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (2009)
      El presente trabajo introduce las iniciativas europeas en materia de política espacial y datos medioambientales que contribuyen al Sistema Global de Sistemas para la Observación de la Tierra (Global Earth Observation ...
    • openAccess   Integración de modelos medioambientales en infraestructuras de datos espaciales: Un caso de uso en predicción de incendios 

      Trilles, Sergio; Juan, Pablo; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Huerta, Joaquin Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (2012-02)
      Hoy en día los incendios forestales son unas de las principales amenazas medioambientales más crecientes a las que nos exponemos [2]. Esto produce la pérdida de bienes humanos y lo que es peor, la destrucción de la parte ...
    • closedAccess   Managing user-generated information in geospatial cyberinfrastructures 

      Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Granell, Carlos; Gould, Michael; Huerta, Joaquin Elsevier (2011)
      Information systems built using standards-based distributed services have become the default computing paradigm adopted by the geospatial community for building information infrastructures also known as Spatial Data ...
    • closedAccess   Service-oriented applications for environmental models: Reusable geospatial services 

      Granell, Carlos; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Gould, Michael Elsevier (2010)
      Environmental modelling often requires a long iterative process of sourcing, reformatting, analyzing, and introducing various types of data into the model. Much of the data to be analyzed are geospatial data-digital terrain ...
    • openAccess   viscaUJI: campus inteligente como IDE local 

      Sanchis, Ana; Alexandre, Arnal; Molina, Walter; Sanchis, Vallivana; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Huerta, Joaquin; Gould, Michael Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (2012-10)
      Con el objetivo de mejorar la monitorización y gestión de los recursos del Campus este proyecto integra la información disponible en un sistema de información que permite el acceso y la ...
    • openAccess   Web 2.0 Broker: A standards-based service for spatio-temporal search of crowd-sourced information 

      Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Granell, Carlos; Huerta, Joaquin; Gould, Michael Elsevier (2012-11)
      Recent trends in information technology show that citizens are increasingly willing to share information using tools provided by Web 2.0 and crowdsourcing platforms to describe events that may have social impact. This is ...