• openAccess   La Filosofía del Cuidado de la Tierra como Ecosofía 

      Comins-Mingol, Irene Universidad de Murcia (2016)
      The history of Western thought has been characterized by the construction of certain “centrisms” which exclude and reduce our perception of reality. Some of these are androcentrism, ethnocentrism and anthropocentrism, ...
    • openAccess   Riesgos del surgimiento de la literatura gerencial dirigida a mujeres 

      Medina-Vicent, Maria Asociación Contubernio (2018-12)
      In this article, we address the emergence of the management literature specifically addressed to women, which emerges in response to the growing role of this group in management positions. In the first place, we treat ...
    • openAccess   She-austerity. Precariedad y desigualdad laboral de las mujeres en el sur de Europa 

      Alcañiz, Mercedes; Monteiro, Rosa Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública (2016)
      This article presents a comparative and longitudinal analysis of the situation of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian women since the beginning of the crisis. The study follows three specific objectives: expose ...