Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • closedAccess   A multimodal discourse approach to research pitches 

      Ruiz-Madrid, Noelia Elsevier (2021-04-23)
      The communicative purpose of oral academic genres is frequently achieved through multimodal ensembles (i.e., a combination of meaning-making resources or modes). This is the case in research pitches. However, little has ...
    • openAccess   Developing multimodal communicative competence in emerging academic and professional genres 

      Ruiz-Madrid, Noelia; Valeiras-Jurado, Julia Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia (2020-06-27)
      In this paper, we propose a pedagogical approach for teaching and learning multimodal literacy, specifically, the application of multimodal discourse analysis for genre awareness. The mastery of specific oral genres is ...