Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • closedAccess   Effects on suggestibility of a new method of active-alert hypnosis: Alert hand 

      Alarcón Aguilar, Ana H.; Cardeña, Etzel; Capafons, Antonio; Bayot, Agustín Taylor and Francis Group (1998)
      Research has shown that the active-alert method described by Banyai and Hilgard (1976) produces a similar increase on suggestibility as relaxation- based techniques, but it has some limitations, including the need for a ...
    • closedAccess   Preference between two methods of active-alert hypnosis: not all techniques are created equal 

      Alarcón Aguilar, Ana H.; Capafons, Antonio; Bayot, Agustín; Cardeña, Etzel Taylor and Francis Group (1999)
      In a cross-over design (N = 80), we compared the differential liking and preference for two hypnotic techniques involving physical activity: active-alert and waking-alert (or alert-hand) procedures. Participants expressed ...