Now showing items 1030-1049 of 1385

    • openAccess   Relación entre Inteligencia y Funciones Ejecutivas 

      González Torre, Julio Alberto; Gallego Moya, Sígrid; Camacho Guerrero, Laura; Viruela Royo, Ana; Mezquita, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2011)
      A pesar de que el término de "funciones ejecutivas" apareció pretendiendo ser un constructo unitario e independiente, la evidencia de los últimos años demuestra que se solapa en gran parte con el constructo "inteligencia". ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre la regulación emocional y la autoestima 

      Balaguer Pich, Nuria; Sanchez-Gomez, Martin; Díaz-García, Amanda Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2018)
      Introducción: Autoestima y regulación emocional son constructos psicológicos relacionadoscon la salud mental. El presente estudio pretende explorar la relación existenteentre estos dos constructos. Objetivo: Analizar la ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre las alteraciones estructurales y el deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple 

      Cruz Gómez, Álvaro Javier; Belenguer Benavides, Antonio; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Forn, Cristina; Simón Gozalbo, Ana Universitat Jaume I (2011)
      Las causas del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes de Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) son todavía desconocidas, así como la relación entre dicho deterioro y el daño cerebral observado con distintas técnicas de adquisición ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre personalidad oscura, consumo de sustancias y felicidad 

      Nohales Nieto, Benito; Mezquita, Laura; Ibáñez, Manuel I Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      Introducción: La triada oscura divide la personalidad socialmente aversiva en tres di- mensiones: maquiavelismo, narcisismo subclínico y psicopatía subclínica. Los instru- mentos más utilizados para evaluarla de forma ...
    • closedAccess   Relationship between eating styles and temperament in an anorexia nervosa, healthy control, and morbid obesity female sample 

      Baños, Rosa Maria; Cebolla Marti, Ausias; Moragrega Vergara, Inés; Van Strien, T.; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Agüera, Zaida; De la Torre, Rafael; Casanueva, Felipe F.; Fernández-Real, José Manuel; Fernández García, José Carlos; Frühbeck, Gema; Gómez Ambrosi, Javier; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Rodríguez, Roser; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco Javier; Botella, Cristina Elsevier (2014-05-01)
      Objectives: Eating styles have been studied in both Obesity (OB) and Eating Disorders (ED), but they have not been examined in these two weight conditions together. The present study explores differences in eating styles ...
    • openAccess   Relationship between Meditative Practice and SelfReported Mindfulness: The MINDSENS Composite Index 

      Soler Ribaudi, Joaquim; Cebolla Marti, Ausias; Feliu-Soler, Albert; Demarzo, Marcelo; Pascual, Juan Carlos; Baños, Rosa Maria; Garcia-Campayo, Javier Public Library of Science (2014)
      Mindfulness has been described as an inherent human capability that can be learned and trained, and its improvement has been associated with better health outcomes in both medicine and psychology. Although the role of ...
    • openAccess   Relationship between mothers' thoughts and behaviors and their daughters' development of the body image 

      Gil-Llario, MD; Muñoz, Verónica; Ceccato, Roberta; Ballester-Arnal, Rafael; Giménez-García, Cristina Grupo de investigación Aitana (2019)
      Behaviors related to body image are influenced by learning and sociocultural environment; the parents can contribute to their children’s food prob-lems through social values that they are supporting. Furthermore, it is ...
    • openAccess   Relationship Status as an Influence on Cybersex Activity: Cybersex, Youth, and Steady Partner 

      Ballester-Arnal, Rafael; Castro-Calvo, Jesús; Gil-Llario, MD; Giménez-García, Cristina Taylor & Francis (2013)
      The authors focus on the influence of participants’ having or not having a steady partner when reference to cybersex use. Participants were 1,239 young, Spanish individuals who completed the Internet Sex Screening Test. ...
    • closedAccess   Relative effects of cognitive and behavioral therapies on generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder: A meta-analysis 

      Cuijpers, Pim; Gentili, Claudio; Baños, Rosa Maria; Garcia-Campayo, Javier; Botella, Cristina; Cristea, Ioana Alina Elsevier (2016)
      Although cognitive and behavioral therapies are effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders, it is not clear what the relative effects of these treatments are. We conducted a meta-analysis of trials comparing cognitive ...
    • openAccess   Relevance of the anterior cingulate cortex volume and personality in motivated physical activity behaviors 

      Miró-Padilla, Anna; Adrián-Ventura, Jesús; Cherednichenko, Anastasia; Monzonís-Carda, Irene; Beltran Valls, Maria Reyes; Moliner-Urdiales, Diego; Avila, Cesar Springer Nature (2023-10-31)
      Some recent theories about the origins and maintenance of regular physical activity focus on the rewards of the properties of practicing this activity. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that mesolimbic dopamine ...
    • openAccess   Repeated Working Memory Training Improves Task Performance and Neural Efficiency in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Controls 

      Aguirre, Naiara; Cruz Gómez, Álvaro Javier; Miró-Padilla, Anna; Bueichekú, Elisenda; Broseta Torres, Ricardo; Avila, Cesar; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; Forn, Cristina Hindawi (2019)
      Background/Objective. To explore the efectiveness of a specifc working memory (WM) training program in MS patients and healthy controls (HC). Method. 29 MS patients and 29 matched HC were enrolled in the study. MS and HC ...
    • openAccess   Representation Gap in Standardized Affective Stimuli Sets: A Systematic Literature Review of Visual Sexual Stimuli 

      Prantner, Sabine; Giménez-García, Cristina; Espino‑Payá, Alejandro; Ballester-Arnal, Rafael; Pastor, M. Carmen Springer (2024)
      Visual sexual stimuli (VSS) are often used to induce affective responses in experi- mental research, but can also be useful in the assessment and treatment of sexual disorders (e.g., sexual arousal dysfunctions, paraphilic ...
    • openAccess   Research production in high-impact journals of contemporary neuroscience: A gender analysis 

      González-Álvarez, Julio; Cervera Crespo, Teresa Elsevier (2017-02)
      Neuroscience or Neural Science is a very active and interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the brain and the nervous system. In spite of important advances made in recent decades, women are still underrepresented ...
    • openAccess   Researchers' sex/gender identity influences how sex/gender question is investigated in neuroscience: an example from an OHBM meeting 

      Picó-Pérez, Maria; Abalos Marco, Elena; Thurston, Lindsey; Genon, Sarah; Bryant, Katherine L.; Martínez, Ana Belén; Ciccia, Lu; Kaiser Trujillo, Anelis Springer (2024)
      Gender inequality and diversity in STEM is a challenging field of research. Although the relation between the sex/gender of the researcher and the scientific research practices has been previously examined, less interest ...
    • openAccess   Reserva cognitiva. Propuesta de una nueva hipótesis conceptual 

      Calderón-Rubio, Eva; Uréndez-Serrano, Paula; Martínez-Nicolás, Ángela; Tirapu-Ustárroz, Javier Viguera Editores (2022)
      Introducción Actualmente, se observa una falta de consenso en la definición del concepto de reserva cognitiva, los elementos que la conforman y la relación entre ellos, a pesar del notable aumento de los estudios relacionados ...
    • openAccess   Resilience as a predictor of quality of life in participants with borderline personality disorder before and after treatment 

      Guillen, Veronica; Esplugues Tormo, Mireia; Fonseca-Baeza, Sara; Botella, Cristina; Baños, Rosa Maria; García-Palacios, Azucena; Marco, Jose H. BMC (2021-06-12)
      Background: Studies have suggested that psychotherapy improves the Quality of Life (QoL) of participants with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). However, there are no studies on the differential efficacy of treatments ...
    • openAccess   Resilience of people with chronic medical conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year longitudinal prospective survey 

      Tarsitani, Lorenzo; Pinucci, Irene; Tedeschi, Federico; Patanè, Martina; Papola, Davide; Palantza, Christina; Acarturk, Ceren; Björkenstam, Emma; Bryant, Richard; Burchert, Sebastian; Davisse-Paturet, Camille; Díaz-García, Amanda; Farrel, Rachel; Fuhr, Daniela C.; Hall, Brian J.; Huizink, Anja C.; Lam, Agnes (Iok-Fong); Kurt, Gülşah; Leijen, Ingmar; Mittendorfer-Rutz, Ellenor; Morina, Naser; Panter-Brick, Catherine; Dermawan Purba, Fredrick; Quero, Soledad; Seedat, Soraya; Setyowibowo, Hari; van der Waerden, Judith; Pasquini, Massimo; Sijbrandij, Marit; Barbui, Corrado BMC (2022)
      Backgrounds: Individuals with chronic medical conditions are considered highly exposed to COVID-19 pandemic stress, but emerging evidence is demonstrating that resilience is common even among them. We aimed at identifying ...
    • openAccess   Response perseveration and the triarchic model of psychopathy in an undergraduate sample. 

      Ribes Guardiola, Pablo; Poy, Rosario; Segarra, Pilar; Branchadell, Victoria; Molto, Javier American Psychological Association (2020)
      This study aimed to extend previously reported links between distinctive configurations of traits in the psychopathic personality and maladaptive response perseveration, by examining performance in the Card Perseveration ...
    • openAccess   Respuesta cardíaca de defensa y emocionalidad negativa en población normal 

      Fuentes Sánchez, Nieves; Jaén, Irene; García Carrión, Beatriz; Cifre, Eva; Pastor, M. Carmen Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2018)
      La Respuesta Cardíaca de Defensa (RCD) es un patrón dinámico de reactividad cardíacaen respuesta a un estímulo aversivo, intenso e inesperado que consiste en doscomponentes sucesivos acelerativos y decelerativos, cuya ...
    • openAccess   Respuesta sexual en el varón adulto: estudio preliminar 

      Ballester-Arnal, Rafael; Castro-Calvo, Jesús; Salmerón Sánchez, Pedro; Morell-Mengual, Vicente; Díaz-Rodríguez, Irene Asociación INFAD (2016)
      Las personas mayores cada vez otorgan más importancia a la vivencia activa de su sexualidad, lo que choque con algunas de las limitaciones físicas que impone la vejez. El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarnos a la ...