Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • closedAccess   Digital multimodal PechaKucha presentations in ESP: insights from students’ learning experiences 

      Beltrán-Palanques, Vicent De Gruyter Mouton (2023-10-17)
      Advances in digital and audiovisual communication have contributed to the remediation and emergence of genres (Luzón and Pérez-Llantada 2022, giving rise to new discourse practices. Against this backdrop, it becomes ...
    • openAccess   Embodied semantic parameters for the lexical representation of spatial relational categories 

      Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi John Benjamins Publishing (2024-06-06)
      This paper proposes an explanatory model for the lexical representation of the native speakers’ lexical knowledge of English prepositions. Lexical knowledge of prepositions as relational predicates includes argument structure ...
    • openAccess   La movilidad virtual en la educación superior de habla hispana 

      Alcón Soler, Eva; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Martín-Montaner, Joan (2023-03-06)
      En este artículo incluimos una reflexión sobreel desarrollo estratégicode los Collaborative on-line international learning(COIL)entre instituciones de educación superior de comunidad iberoamericana de habla ...
    • closedAccess   Passive constructions in Spanish texts translated from English, German and French 

      Oster, Ulrike; Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi Peter Lang (2024-05-01)
      The Gravitational Pull Hypothesis is an attempt to provide a cognitive account for features of translated language. It assumes that translated and non-translated texts in the same language exhibit distributional differences ...
    • openAccess   Performatividad y misticismo. Cuerpo, espacio e identidad en el arte 

      Alberola Crespo, Nieves Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2021)
      Desde finales de los años sesenta y principios de los setenta encontramos ejemplos de artistas que se han decantado por la utilización del cuerpo femenino como reIerente artístico para desmitifcar la cosifcación de la ...
    • openAccess   Science dissemination videos as multimodal supporting resources for ESP teaching in higher education 

      Girón-García, Carolina; Fortanet-Gomez, Inmaculada Elsevier (2023-01-09)
      In recent years, science dissemination has moved from printed to digital formats, and digital genres such as free access videos, along with their own multimodal characteristics (e.g. image, audio, movement, among others) ...
    • openAccess   The metaphorical use of "on" 

      Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi Universidad de La Rioja (1999-05-25)
      An attempt is made at refuting the idea that figurative uses of prepositions are chaotic. Figurative uses of the preposition on are explained as the result of metaphorical mappings from the physical domain onto abstract ...