Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • closedAccess   Improving resource location with locally precomputed partial random walks 

      López Millán, Víctor M.; Cholvi, Vicent; López, Luis; Fernández Anta, Antonio Springer Vienna (2015-09)
      Random walks can be used to search complex networks for a desired resource. To reduce search lengths, we propose a mechanism based on building random walks connecting together partial walks (PW) previously computed at each ...
    • closedAccess   Resource location based on precomputed partial random walks in dynamic networks 

      López Millán, Víctor M.; Cholvi, Vicent; Fernández Anta, Antonio; López, Luis Elsevier (2016)
      The problem of finding a resource residing in a network node (the resource location problem) is a challenge in complex networks due to aspects as network size, unknown network topology, and network dynamics. The problem ...