Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • openAccess   High precision Symplectic Integrators for the Solar System 

      Farrés Basiana, Ariadna; Laskar, Jacques; Blanes, Sergio; Casas, Fernando; Makazaga, Joseba; Murua, Ander Springer Netherlands (2013-02)
      Using a Newtonian model of the Solar System with all 8 planets, we perform extensive tests on various symplectic integrators of high orders, searching for the best splitting scheme for long term studies in the Solar System. ...
    • openAccess   Numerical Integrators for the Hybrid Monte Carlo Method 

      Blanes, Sergio; Casas, Fernando; Sanz-Serna, JM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2014-05)
      We construct numerical integrators for Hamiltonian problems that may advantageously replace the standard Verlet time-stepper within Hybrid Monte Carlo and related simulations. Past attempts have often aimed at boosting the ...
    • openAccess   On symmetric-conjugate composition methods in the numerical integration of differential equations 

      Blanes, S.; Casas, Fernando; Chartier, Philippe; Escorihuela-Tomàs, Alejandro American Mathematical Society (2021)
      We analyze composition methods with complex coefficients exhibiting the so-called “symmetry-conjugate” pattern in their distribution. In particular, we study their behavior with respect to preservation of qualitative ...
    • openAccess   Symplectic integrators for second-order linear non-autonomous equations 

      Bader, Philipp; Blanes, Sergio; Casas, Fernando; Kopylov, Nikita; Ponsoda, Enrique Elsevier (2018-03)
      Two families of symplectic methods specially designed for second-order time-dependent linear systems are presented. Both are obtained from the Magnus expansion of the corresponding first-order equation, but otherwise they ...