• openAccess   Norm-attaining operators which satisfy a Bollobás type theorem 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu; Roldán, Óscar Springer (2021-04)
      In this paper, we are interested in studying the set A(parallel to center dot parallel to) (X, Y) of all norm-attaining operators T from X into Y satisfying the following: given epsilon > 0, there exists eta such that if ...
    • openAccess   On the existence of non-norm-attaining operators 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu; Martínez Cervantes, Gonzalo Cambridge University Press (2021-07-09)
      In this article, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of non-norm-attaining operators in L(E,F) . By using a theorem due to Pfitzner on James boundaries, we show that if there exists a ...
    • openAccess   Some remarks on the weak maximizing property 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu; Martínez Cervantes, Gonzalo Elsevier (2021-06-16)
      A pair of Banach spaces is said to have the weak maximizing property (WMP, for short) if for every bounded linear operator T from E into F, the existence of a non-weakly null maximizing sequence for T implies that T attains ...