• openAccess   Archetypal Curves in the Shape and Size Space: Discovering the Salient Features of Curved Big Data by Representative Extremes 

      Epifanio, Irene; Gimeno, Vicent; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria Springer (2023)
      Curves are complex data. Tools for visualizing, exploring, and discovering the structure of a data set of curves are valuable. In this paper, we propose a scalable methodology to solve this challenge. On the one hand, ...
    • openAccess   Archetypoid analysis for sports analytics 

      Vinué Visús, Guillermo; Epifanio, Irene Springer Verlag (2017-06)
      We intend to understand the growing amount of sports performance data by finding extreme data points, which makes human interpretation easier. In archetypoid analysis each datum is expressed as a mixture of actual observations ...
    • openAccess   Biarchetype Analysis: Simultaneous Learning of Observations and Features Based on Extremes 

      Alcacer Sales, Aleix; Epifanio, Irene; Gual-Arnau, Ximo IEEE Computer Society (2024-05-13)
      We introduce a novel exploratory technique, termed biarchetype analysis, which extends archetype analysis to simultaneously identify archetypes of both observations and features. This innovative unsupervised machine learning ...
    • openAccess   Functional archetype and archetypoid analysis 

      Epifanio, Irene Elsevier (2016-12)
      Archetype and archetypoid analysis can be extended to functional data. Each function is approximated by a convex combination of actual observations (functional archetypoids) or functional archetypes, which are a convex ...