• openAccess   Astrometria de asteroides en el Observatorio Astronómico de Valencia 

      López Ortí, José Antonio; López García, A.; García Cubero, Francisco; Valdés Navarro, José L.; Castro Soler, Joaquín; López Machí, R. Instituto Geográfico Nacional (1987)
      Con el propósito de participar en el programa internacional de observación de asteroides seleccionados, que coordina el Instituto de Astronomía Teórica de Leningrado (1), así como aportar datos de posiciones observadas de ...
    • closedAccess   Improved Method for Orbital Elements Differential Correction. 

      López García, A.; López Ortí, José Antonio; López Machí, R. © Springer Netherlands (1990)
      As was pointed out by IAU in 1976, an important problem in fundamental astronomy is the improvement of the vernal equinox and equator positions. To this aim, it is necessary to know the accurate values of minor planets ...
    • closedAccess   Figures of equilibrium in close binary systems 

      López Ortí, José Antonio; López García, A.; López Machí, R. Kluwer Academic Publishers (1992-12)
      The equilibrium configurations of close binary systems are analyzed. The autogravitational, centrifugal and tidal potentials are expanded in Clairaut's coordinates. From the set of the total potential angular terms an ...
    • openAccess   Some new results on the Chu duality of discrete groups 

      Hernández, Salvador; Wu, Ta-Sun Springer Verlag (2005)
      This paper deals mainly with the Chu duality of discrete groups. Among other results, we give sufficient conditions for an FC group to satisfy Chu duality and characterize when the Chu quasi-dual and the Takahashi ...
    • closedAccess   Modelling residuals dependence in dynamic life tables: A geostatistical approach 

      Debon, A.; Montes, F.; Mateu, Jorge; Porcu, Emilio; Bevilacqua, M. Elsevier (2008)
      The problem of modelling dynamic mortality tables is considered. In this context, the influence of age on data graduation needs to be properly assessed through a dynamic model, as mortality progresses over the years. After ...
    • closedAccess   Corrigendum to "Variations on a theorem by Alan Camina on conjugacy class sizes" [J. Algebra 296 (2006) 253-266] 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Felipe, Maria José Elsevier (2008)
      [No abstract available]
    • closedAccess   Integration rules from the equivalent differential equation method applied to equations of motion 

      Marco Castillo, Francisco José; Martínez Usó, María José Elsevier (2008)
      The numerical integration of equations of motion necessarily implies the presence of errors that depend on initial conditions as well as the different physical parameters under consideration. More particularly, dumping or ...
    • closedAccess   Semi-analytical integration algorithms based on the use of several kinds of anomalies as temporal variable 

      López Ortí, José Antonio; Martínez Usó, María José; Marco Castillo, Francisco José Elsevier (2008)
      One of the main problems in celestial mechanics is the management of long developments in Fourier or Poisson series used to describe the perturbed motion in the planetary system. In this work we shall develop a software ...
    • closedAccess   Stability numbers in K-contact manifolds 

      Hurtado, Ana Elsevier (2008)
      The aim of this paper is to study the stability of the characteristic vector field of a compact K-contact manifold with respect to the energy and volume functionals when we consider on the manifold a two-parameter variation ...
    • closedAccess   Structure of finite groups under certain arithmetical conditions on class sizes 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Felipe, Maria José Elsevier (2008)
      Let G be a finite solvable group. We assume that the set of conjugacy class sizes of G is {1, m, n, m k} with m and n coprime positive integers greater than 1 and k a divisor of n. Then we obtain several properties on the ...
    • closedAccess   Computational tools to construct semi-analytical planetary theories 

      López Ortí, José Antonio; Martínez Usó, María José; Marco Castillo, Francisco José Taylor & Francis (2008)
      The main aim of this paper is the construction of a set of computational tools in order to improve the management of large expansions used in celestial mechanics. This package involves an iterative algorithm to develop the ...
    • closedAccess   Space-time dependence dynamics for birth-death point processes 

      Comas Rodríguez, Carlos; Mateu, Jorge Elsevier (2008)
      This paper analyses the space-time interdependency of a spatially explicit birth-death process based on the intensity function. Based on intensity functions, these formulations can be, to some extent, analytically solved ...
    • closedAccess   Moscow spaces and selection theory 

      Sanchis López, Manuel Elsevier (2008)
      A well-known result on Moscow spaces states that every G<sub>δ</sub>-dense subset of a Moscow space X is C-embedded in X. We present here the selection version of this result and also (by means of two different approaches) ...
    • openAccess   Bott Integrable Hamiltonian Systems on S2 x S1 

      Vindel, Pura; Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Martínez Alfaro, José American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (2008)
      In this paper, we study the topology of Bott integrable Hamiltonian flows on S2 × S1 in terms of some types of periodic orbits, called NMS periodic orbits. The set of these periodic orbits can be identified by means ...
    • openAccess   Splitting and composition methods in the numerical integration of differential equations 

      Blanes, Sergio; Murua, Ander; Casas, Fernando Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada (2008)
      We provide a comprehensive survey of splitting and composition methods for the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Splitting methods constitute an appropriate choice when the vector field ...
    • openAccess   On the Linear Stability of Splitting Methods 

      Blanes, Sergio; Casas, Fernando; Murua, Ander Springer Verlag (2008)
      A comprehensive linear stability analysis of splitting methods is carried out by means of a 2 × 2 matrix K(x) with polynomial entries (the stability matrix) and the stability polynomial p(x) (the trace of K(x) divided by ...
    • openAccess   The Bohr topology of discrete non abelian groups 

      Hernández, Salvador Heldermann Verlag (2008)
      We look at finitely generated Bohr groups G# (groups G equipped with the topology inherited from their Bohr compactification bG). Among others, the following results are proved: every finitely generated group without free ...
    • openAccess   Representation and approximation by series of continuous functions 

      Hernández, Salvador; Gassó Matoses, María Teresa; Rojas Bernilla, Esptiben Springer Verlag (2008)
      Let X be a topological space and let C (X) be the ring of all real-valued continuous functions defined on X. In this paper, we study the representation and approximation of continuous functions by sums of infinite series. ...
    • openAccess   δ-Sequences and Evaluation Codes de ned by Plane Valuations at Infinity 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco Oxford University Press (2008)
      We introduce the concept of δ-sequence. A δ-sequence ∆ generates a well-ordered semigroup S in Z2 or R. We show how to construct (and compute parameters) for the dual code of any evaluation code associated with a weight ...
    • openAccess   On potentially negative space time covariances obtained as sum of products of marginal ones 

      Gregori, Pablo; Porcu, Emilio; Mateu, Jorge; Sasvári, Zoltán Springer Verlag (2008)
      Most of the literature on spatio-temporal covariance models proposes structures that are positive in the whole domain. However, problems of physical, biological or medical nature need covariance models allowing for ...