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    • closedAccess   Options for labelling circular products: Icon design and consumer preferences 

      Bovea, María D; Quemades Beltran, Pilar; Pérez-Belis, Victoria; Juan, Pablo; Braulio-Gonzalo, Marta; Ibáñez-Forés, valeria Elsevier (2018-11)
      The demand of products that incorporate circular requirements depend on consumer perceptions. So effective communication is necessary between the product and consumers through product labelling. The use of specific icons ...
    • openAccess   Orbits of maximal invariant subgroups and solvability of finite groups 

      shao, Changguo; Beltrán, Antonio Elsevier (2019-08-13)
      Let A and G be finite groups having coprime orders and suppose that A acts on G via automorphisms. We give some solvability criteria for G according to the number of orbits that appear by the action of the fixed point ...
    • openAccess   Order of products of elements in finite groups 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Lyons, Richard; Moretó, Alexander; Navarro, Gabriel; Sáez, Azahara; Tiep, Pham Huu Wiley (2018-10)
      If G is a finite group, p is a prime, and x∈G, it is an interesting problem to place x in a convenient small (normal) subgroup of G, assuming some knowledge of the order of the products xy, for certain p‐elements y of G.
    • closedAccess   Order representability in groups and vector spaces 

      Candeal, Juan Carlos; Indurain, Esteban; Sanchis López, Manuel Elsevier (2012)
      In the present paper, first we study in a systematic way the numerical representation problem for total preorders defined either on groups or on real vector spaces. Then, we consider groups and real vector spaces equipped ...
    • openAccess   Ordinal classification for interval-valued data and interval-valued functional data 

      Alcacer Sales, Aleix; Martínez Garcia, marina; Epifanio, Irene Elsevier (2023-10-29)
      The aim of ordinal classification is to predict the ordered labels of the output from a set of observed inputs. Interval-valued data refers to data in the form of intervals. For the first time, interval-valued data and ...
    • openAccess   Ordinal classification of 3D brain structures by functional data analysis 

      Ferrando, Lara; Epifanio, Irene; Ventura Campos, Mercedes Elsevier B.V. All (2021-08-24)
      We introduce several ordinal classification methods for functional data, specificallymultiargument and multivariate functional data. Their performance is analyzed in fourreal data sets that belong to a neuroeducational ...
    • openAccess   OSCURAUIT SOL: Stone Engravings and Other Contemporary Spanish Records for the A.D. 1239 and A.D. 1354 Eclipses and Their Astronomical Implications 

      Martínez Usó, María José; Marco Castillo, Francisco José; Ibáñez, Loli Sage (2016-02)
      The eclipse of a.d. 1239 June 3 was observed at no less than 10 sites in Europe, but the one from a.d. 1354 September 17 was observed only from two European sites. In this paper, we present several new references for the ...
    • closedAccess   p-Boundedness in paratopological groups 

      Sánchez, Iván; Sanchis López, Manuel Elsevier (2015-10)
      We show that bounded subsets of ω-admissible paratopological groups are p -bounded for all p∈ω⁎p∈ω⁎. In other words, they have a similar behavior to bounded subsets of topological groups. We present several new classes ...
    • openAccess   p-Capacity and p-hyperbolicity of submanifolds 

      Holopainen, Ilkka; Markvorsen, Steen; Palmer Andreu, Vicente Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Matemáticas (2009)
      We use explicit solutions to a drifted Laplace equation in warped product model spaces as comparison constructions to show $p$-hyperbolicity of a large class of submanifolds for p>2. The condition for $p$-hyperbolicity is ...
    • openAccess   p-divisibility of conjugacy class sizes and normal p-complements 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Felipe, Maria José; shao, Changguo De Gruyter (2015-01)
      Let N be a normal subgroup of a group G and let p be a prime.We prove that if the p-part of jxGj is a constant for every prime-power order element x 2 N n Z.N /, then N is solvable and has normal p-complement.
    • openAccess   Parabolicity criteria and characterization results for submanifoldsof bounded mean curvature in model manifolds with weights 

      Hurtado, Ana; Palmer Andreu, Vicente; Rosales, César Elsevier (2020)
      Let P be a submanifold properly immersed in a rotationally symmetric manifold having a pole and endowed with a weight e h. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, by assuming certain control on the h-mean curvature of ...
    • openAccess   Parabolicity of Invariant Surfaces 

      Del Prete, Andrea; Gimeno i Garcia, Vicent Springer (2024-02-22)
      We present a clear and practical way to characterize the parabolicity of a complete immersed surface that is invariant with respect to a Killing vector field of the ambient space.
    • closedAccess   Parabolicity, Brownian Exit Time and Properness of Solitons of the Direct and Inverse Mean Curvature Flow 

      Gimeno, Vicent; Palmer, Vicente (2019-10-05)
      We study some potential theoretic properties of homothetic solitons n of the MCF and the IMCF. Using the analysis of the extrinsic distance function defined on these submanifolds in Rn+m, we observe similarities and ...
    • openAccess   Parameter estimation in non-homogeneous boolean models: an application to plant defense response 

      Gallego, María Ángeles; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia International Society for Stereology (2014-09)
      Many medical and biological problems require to extract information from microscopical images. Boolean models have been extensively used to analyze binary images of random clumps in many scientific fields. In this paper, ...
    • closedAccess   Partial and semi-partial statistics of spatial associations for multivariate areal data 

      Eckardt, Matthias; Mateu, Jorge Wiley (2020-06-12)
      The analysis of correlation structures among multivariate spatially aggregated data has become increasingly important and poses substantial challenges. This article concerns the development of partial and semi‐partial ...
    • closedAccess   Partial characteristics for marked spatial point processes 

      Eckardt, Matthias; Mateu, Jorge Wiley (2019-09)
      This paper introduces a new class of partial summary characteristics for twotypes of marked planar point processes. We consider purely qualitatively marked spatial point processes and multitype spatial point processes with ...
    • closedAccess   PDE triangular Bézier surfaces: Harmonic, biharmonic and isotropic surfaces 

      Arnal, A.; Lluch, Ana; Monterde, Juan Elsevier (2011)
      We approach surface design by solving second-order and fourth-order Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). We present many methods for designing triangular Bézier PDE surfaces given different sets of prescribed control ...
    • openAccess   Period-doubling bifurcations in the family of Chebyshev–Halley-type methods 

      Cordero Barbero, Alicia; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vindel, Pura Taylor & Francis (2013)
      The choice of a member of a parametric family of iterative methods is not always easy. The family of Chebyshev–Halley schemes is a good example of it. The analysis of bifurcation points of this family allows us to define ...
    • openAccess   Periodically Correlated Space-Time Autoregressive Hilbertian Processes 

      Hashemi, Mahmoud; Mateu, Jorge; Zamani, Ali Atlantis Press (2021-06)
      In this paper, we introduce periodically correlated space-time autoregressive processes with values in Hilbert spaces. The existence conditions and the strong law of large numbers are established. Moreover, we present an ...
    • openAccess   Phase portraits of Abel quadratic differential systems of the second kind 

      Ferragut, Antoni; Valls, Claudia Taylor & Francis (2018)
      We provide normal forms and the global phase portraits on the Poincaré disk of some Abel quadratic differential equations of the second kind. Moreover, we also provide the bifurcation diagrams for these global phase portraits.