• openAccess   Medieval Comets. European and Middle Eastern Perspective 

      Sicoli, Piero; Gorelli, Roberto; Martínez Usó, María José; Marco, Francisco J. Universitat Politècnica de València (2023-10-16)
      This book is intended to be the first volume in a series devoted to an in-depth study of medieval European and middle-east comet records. With the aim of covering the entire medieval period, widely understood as corresponding ...
    • closedAccess   Written on stone: Engraved European medieval solar eclipses 

      Martínez Usó, María José; Marco, Francisco J. Cambridge University Press (2019-12)
      In the context of the European Middle Ages as the period roughly covering from the 5th to the 15th centuries, the astronomical records are rarery found in scientific treatises. At least, not until the 15th century. A few ...