• openAccess   Reflections in topological algebraic structures 

      HERNÁNDEZ ARZUSA, JULIO CÉSAR; Hernández, Salvador Elsevier (2020-08)
      Let C be an epireflective subcategory of Top and let rC be the epireflective functor associated with C. If A denotes a (semi)topological algebraic subcategory of Top, we study when rC (A) is an epireflective subcategory ...
    • openAccess   Tensor products of topological abelian groups and Pontryagin duality 

      Ferrer, María V.; HERNÁNDEZ ARZUSA, JULIO CÉSAR; Hernandez, Salvador Elsevier (2024-02-14)
      Let G be the group of all Z-valued homomorphisms of the Baer-Specker group ZN. The group G is algebraically isomorphic to Z(N), the infinite direct sum of the group of integers, and equipped with the topology of pointwise ...