• closedAccess   Accelerating the Lyapack library using GPUs 

      Dufrechou, Ernesto; Ezzatti, Pablo; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Remón Gómez, Alfredo Springer (2013)
      Lyapack is a package for the solution of large-scale sparse problems arising in control theory. The package has a modular design, and is implemented as a Matlab toolbox, which renders it easy to utilize, modify and extend ...
    • openAccess   Accelerating the SRP-PHAT algorithm on multi- and many-core platforms using OpenCL 

      Badía, José; BELLOCH, JOSE A.; Cobos, Maximo; Igual, Francisco; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Springer (2019-03)
      The Steered Response Power with Phase Transform (SRP-PHAT) algorithm is a well-known method for sound source localization due to its robust performance in noisy and reverberant environments. This algorithm is used in a ...
    • closedAccess   Accelerating the task/data-parallel version of ILUPACK’s BiCG in multi-CPU/GPU configurations 

      Aliaga Estellés, José Ignacio; Dufrechou, Ernesto; Ezzatti, Pablo; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Elsevier (2019)
      ILUPACK is a valuable tool for the solution of sparse linear systems via iterative Krylov subspace-based methods. Its relevance for the solution of real problems has motivated several efforts to enhance its performance on ...
    • closedAccess   Acceleration of PageRank with Customized Precision Based on Mantissa Segmentation 

      Grützmacher, Thomas; Cojean, Terry; Flegar, Goran; Anzt, Hartwig; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2020-03)
      We describe the application of a communication-reduction technique for the PageRank algorithm that dynamically adapts the precision of the data access to the numerical requirements of the algorithm as the iteration converges. ...
    • closedAccess   Acceleration of short and long DNA read mapping without loss of accuracy using suffix array 

      Tárraga, Joaquín; Arnau, Vicente; Martínez Pérez, Héctor; Moreno, Raul; Cazorla, Diego; Salavert Torres, José; Blanquer Espert, Ignacio; Dopazo, Joaquín; Medina, Ignacio Oxford University Press (2014-08)
      HPG Aligner applies suffix arrays for DNA read mapping. This implementation produces a highly sensitive and extremely fast mapping of DNA reads that scales up almost linearly with read length. The approach presented here ...
    • openAccess   Accessing very high dimensional spaces in parallel 

      Badía, José; Artigas Fuentes, Fernando Springer (2016-02-17)
      Access methods are a fundamental tool on Information Retrieval. However, most of these methods suffer the problem known as the curse of dimensionality when they are applied to objects with very high dimensionality ...
    • openAccess   Adapting concurrency throttling and voltage–frequency scaling for dense eigensolvers 

      Aliaga Estellés, José Ignacio; Barreda Vayá, Maria; Castaño Álvarez, María Asunción; Dolz, Manuel F.; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Springer Verlag (2015)
      We analyze power dissipation and energy consumption during the execution of high-performance dense linear algebra kernels on multi-core processors. On top of this analysis, we propose and evaluate several strategies to ...
    • openAccess   Adapting hierarchical bidirectional inter prediction on a GPU-based platform for 2D and 3D H.264 video coding 

      Rodríguez Sánchez, Rafael; Martínez, José Luis; De Cock, Jan; Fernández Escribano, Gerardo; Pieters, Bart; Sánchez, José L.; Claver, José M.; Van de Walle, Rik SpringerOpen (2013)
      The H.264/AVC video coding standard introduces some improved tools in order to increase compression efficiency. Moreover, the multi-view extension of H.264/AVC, called H.264/MVC, adopts many of them. Among the new features, ...
    • closedAccess   Adaptive Precision Block-Jacobi for High Performance Preconditioning in the Ginkgo Linear Algebra Software 

      Flegar, Goran; Anzt, Hartwig; Cojean, Terry; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2021-04)
      The use of mixed precision in numerical algorithms is a promising strategy for accelerating scientific applications. In particular, the adoption of specialized hardware and data formats for low-precision arithmetic in ...
    • openAccess   Adaptive precision in block‐Jacobi preconditioning for iterative sparse linear system solvers 

      Anzt, Hartwig; Dongarra, Jack; Flegar, Goran; Higham, Nicholas J.; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Wiley (2019-03-25)
      We propose an adaptive scheme to reduce communication overhead caused by data movement by selectively storing the diagonal blocks of a block‐Jacobi preconditioner in different precision formats (half, single, or double). ...
    • openAccess   Adaptive precision solvers for sparse linear systems 

      Anzt, Hartwig; Dongarra, Jack; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. ACM (2015)
      We formulate an implementation of a Jacobi iterative solver for sparse linear systems that iterates the distinct components of the solution with different precision in terms of mantissa length. Starting with very low ...
    • openAccess   Adding camera functions to the Webots OPEN-R wrapper object for Aibo robots 

      Peris Broch, Juan Carlos; Grande, Jorge; Escrig Monferrer, María Teresa Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-05)
      We use the Webots TM mobile robot simulation software for testing controllers and for using a common interface for all our robotic platforms. In the case of the Aibo TM robots we use cross-compilation to combine the Webots ...
    • openAccess   Advances in Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 

      Perez-Navarro, Antoni; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín MDP (2022)
    • openAccess   Algorithm 1022: Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Rank-Revealing UTV Factorization on Parallel Computing Architectures 

      Heavner, Nathan; Igual, Francisco; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; MARTINSSON, GUNNAR Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2022-06)
      Randomized singular value decomposition (RSVD) is by now a well-established technique for efficiently computing an approximate singular value decomposition of a matrix. Building on the ideas that underpin RSVD, the recently ...
    • openAccess   Algorithm 1033: Parallel Implementations for Computing the Minimum Distance of a Random Linear Code on Distributed-memory Architectures 

      Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Hernando, Fernando; Igual, Francisco Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2023-03)
      The minimum distance of a linear code is a key concept in information theory. Therefore, the time required by its computation is very important to many problems in this area. In this article, we introduce a family of ...
    • openAccess   An Active System for Visually-Guided Reaching in 3D across Binocular Fixations 

      Martínez Martín, Ester; del Pobil, Angel P.; Chessa, Manuela; Solari, Fabio; Sabatini, Silvio P. Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014-02)
      Based on the importance of relative disparity between objects for accurate hand-eye coordination, this paper presents a biological approach inspired by the cortical neural architecture. So, the motor information is coded ...
    • closedAccess   An adaptive offline implementation selector for heterogeneous parallel platforms 

      del Río Astorga, David; Dolz, Manuel F.; Sánchez García, Luis Miguel; Fernández Muñoz, Javier; García, J. Daniel Universidad de Salamanca (2017-03)
      Heterogeneous parallel platforms, comprising multiple processing units and architectures, have become a cornerstone in improving the overall performance and energy efficiency of scientific and engineering applications. ...
    • openAccess   An agent-based platform to evaluate V2X routing road traffic scenarios 

      Tomás, Vicente R.; García Fernández, Luis Amable; Alonso, Adrián León Elsevier (2023)
      Traffic congestion is a recurrent problem in both urban and non-urban road networks. It impacts several key issues such as higher overall gas consumption, vehicle emissions, and noise. Traffic information available on time ...
    • openAccess   An Algorithm-by-Blocks for SuperMatrix Band Cholesky Factorization 

      Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Remón Gómez, Alfredo; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Springer Verlag (2008)
      We pursue the scalable parallel implementation of the factor- ization of band matrices with medium to large bandwidth targeting SMP and multi-core architectures. Our approach decomposes the computation into a large ...
    • openAccess   An analytical methodology to derive power models based on hardware and software metrics 

      Dolz, Manuel F.; Kunkel, Julian; Chasapis, Konstantinos; Catalán, Sandra Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2015-09)
      The use of models to predict the power con- sumption of a system is an appealing alternative to wattmeters since they avoid hardware costs and are easy to deploy. In this paper, we present a systematic ...