• openAccess   GLAME@lab: An M-script API for Linear Algebra Operations on Graphics Processors 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-02)
      We propose two high-level application programming interfaces (APIs) to use a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a coprocessor for dense linear algebra operations. Combined with an extension of the FLAME API and an ...
    • openAccess   Solving Dense Linear Systems on Graphics Processors 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-02)
      We present several algorithms to compute the solution of a linear system of equations on a GPU, as well as general techniques to improve their performance, such as padding and hybrid GPU-CPU computation. We also show how ...
    • openAccess   Adding camera functions to the Webots OPEN-R wrapper object for Aibo robots 

      Peris Broch, Juan Carlos; Grande, Jorge; Escrig Monferrer, María Teresa Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-05)
      We use the Webots TM mobile robot simulation software for testing controllers and for using a common interface for all our robotic platforms. In the case of the Aibo TM robots we use cross-compilation to combine the Webots ...
    • openAccess   Out-of-Core Solution of Linear Systems on Graphic Processors 

      Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Rubio, Rafael; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-05)
      We combine two high-level application programming interfaces to solve large-scale linear systems with the data stored on disk using current graphics processors. The result is a simple yet powerful tool that enables a ...
    • closedAccess   Blocked algorithms for the reduction to Hessenberg-triangular form revisited 

      Kagstrom, B.; Kressner, Daniel; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio Springer (2008-09)
      We present two variants of Moler and Stewart’s algorithm for reducing a matrix pair to Hessenberg-triangular (HT) form with increased data locality in the access to the matrices. In one of these variants, a careful ...
    • closedAccess   Distance and orientation estimation of graspable objects in natural and artificial systems 

      Chinellato, Eris; del Pobil, Angel P. Elsevier (2009)
      Being able to estimate pose and location of nearby objects is a fundamental skill for any natural or artificial agent actively interacting with its environment. The methods for extraction and integration of visual cues ...
    • closedAccess   Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation 

      Montoliu Colás, Raul; Pla, Filiberto Elsevier (2009)
      The estimation of parametric global motion had a significant attention during the last two decades, but despite the great efforts invested, there are still open issues. The most important ones are related to the accuracy ...
    • openAccess   Statistical Approaches to Computer-Assisted Translation 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Bender, Oliver; Casacuberta, Francisco; Civera, Jorge; Cubel, Elsa; Khadivi, Shahram; Lagarda, Antonio; Ney, Hermann; Tomás, Jesús; Vidal, Enrique; Vilar Torres, Juan Miguel Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT) (2009)
      Current machine translation (MT) systems are still not perfect. In practice, the output from these systems needs to be edited to correct errors. A way of increasing the productivity of the whole translation process (MT ...
    • closedAccess   A Proposal to Extend the OpenMP Tasking Model for Heterogeneous Architectures 

      Ayguadé, Eduardo; Badía Sala, Rosa María; Cabrera, Daniel; Durán, Alejandro; González, Marc; Igual, Francisco; Jiménez González, Daniel; Labarta Mancho, Jesús; Martorell, Xavier; Mayo, Rafael; Pérez, Josep M.; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      OpenMP has evolved recently towards expressing unstructured parallelism, targeting the parallelization of a broader range of applications in the current multicore era. Homogeneous multicore architectures from major vendors ...
    • closedAccess   A Rule-Based Multi-agent System for Local Traffic Management 

      Martí, Isabel; Tomás López, Vicente Ramón; García Fernández, Luis Amable; Martínez, Juan J. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      Road Traffic presents a high dynamism which makes necessary the development of traffic management and control strategies to improve traffic flows and more important, road safety. So it is needed the use of intelligent ...
    • closedAccess   Exploiting the capabilities of modern GPUs for dense matrix computations 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio John Wiley & Sons (2009)
      We present several algorithms to compute the solution of a linear system of equations on a graphics processor (GPU), as well as general techniques to improve their performance, such as padding and hybrid GPU-CPU computation. ...
    • openAccess   An Extension of the StarSs Programming Model for Platforms with Multiple GPUs 

      Ayguadé, Eduardo; Badía Sala, Rosa María; Igual, Francisco; Labarta Mancho, Jesús; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      While general-purpose homogeneous multi-core architectures are becoming ubiquitous, there are clear indications that, for a number of important applications, a better performance/power ratio can be attained using specialized ...
    • closedAccess   A 3D grasping system based on multimodal visual and tactile processing 

      Grzyb, Beata J.; Chinellato, Eris; Morales, Antonio; del Pobil, Angel P. Emerald Group Publishing (2009)
      urpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a novel multimodal approach to the problem of planning and performing a reliable grasping action on unmodeled objects. Design/methodology/approach – The robotic system is ...
    • openAccess   Combining Multiple Classifiers with Dynamic Weighted Voting 

      Valdovinos Rosas, Rosa María; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      When a multiple classifier system is employed, one of the most popular methods to accomplish the classifier fusion is the simple majority voting. However, when the performance of the ensemble members is not uniform, the ...
    • closedAccess   Toward the parallelization of GSL 

      Aliaga Estellés, José Ignacio; Almeida, Francisco; Badía, José; Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Blanco, Vicente; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Remón Gómez, Alfredo; Rodríguez, Casiano; De Sande, Francisco; Santos, Adrián Springer-Verlag (2009)
      In this paper, we present our joint efforts to design and develop parallel implementations of the GNU Scientific Library for a wide variety of parallel platforms. The multilevel software architecture proposed provides ...
    • openAccess   XTaGe: a flexible generation system for complex XML collections 

      Pérez Catalán, María; Sanz, Ismael; Berlanga Llavori, Rafael Springer Verlag (Germany) (2009)
      We introduce XTaGe (XML Tester and Generator), a system for the synthesis of XML collections meant for testing and micro benchmarking applications. In contrast with existing approaches, XTaGe focuses on complex collections, ...
    • openAccess   Color image registration under illumination changes 

      Montoliu Colás, Raul; Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Pla, Filiberto Springer Verlag (Germany) (2009)
      The estimation of parametric global motion has had a significant attention during the last two decades, but despite the great efforts invested, there are still open issues. One of the most important ones is related to ...
    • openAccess   The neuroscience of vision-based grasping: a functional review for computational modeling and bio-inspired robotics 

      Chinellato, Eris; del Pobil, Angel P. Imperial College Press (2009)
      The topic of vision-based grasping is being widely studied using various techniques and with different goals in humans and in other primates. The fundamental related findings are reviewed in this paper, with the aim of ...
    • closedAccess   Visual control of robots with delayed images 

      Pérez Vidal, Carlos; Gracia Marco, Luis; García, Nicolás; Cervera, Enric Brill (2009)
      This research develops a control scheme for visual servoing that explicitly takes into account the delay in- troduced by image acquisition and processing. For this purpose, a predictor block, i.e., an estimator that predicts ...
    • openAccess   Solving “Large” Dense Matrix Problems on Multi-Core Processors and GPUs 

      Marqués-Andrés, Mercedes; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2009-01)
      Few realize that, for large matrices, many dense matrix computations achieve nearly the same performance when the matrices are stored on disk as when they are stored in a very large main memory. Similarly, few realize ...