Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • openAccess   A Framework for Enhancing the Operational Phase of Traffic Management Plans 

      García Fernández, Luis Amable; Tomás, Vicente R. IEEE (2020-11-20)
      Road traffic emergencies are dangerous and unexpected situations that require immediate actions by the authorities. These actions involve to attend to the people who have been affected by the emergency and to minimize its ...
    • openAccess   An agent-based platform to evaluate V2X routing road traffic scenarios 

      Tomás, Vicente R.; García Fernández, Luis Amable; Alonso, Adrián León Elsevier (2023)
      Traffic congestion is a recurrent problem in both urban and non-urban road networks. It impacts several key issues such as higher overall gas consumption, vehicle emissions, and noise. Traffic information available on time ...
    • openAccess   Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y trabajo en equipo para mejorar las competencias básicas 

      Tomás, Vicente R.; Iserte, Sergio; Pérez-Francisco, Miguel; Boronat, Pablo; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; García Fernández, Luis Amable Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza. (2021-10)
      El aprendizaje basado en proyectos es una técnica de enseñanza/aprendizaje que utiliza un proyecto como eje principal del proceso de aprendizaje. Este aprendizaje, combinado con el trabajo en equipo permite mejorar la ...
    • openAccess   Complete Integration of Team Project-Based Learning Into a Database Syllabus 

      Iserte, Sergio; Tomás, Vicente R.; Pérez-Francisco, Miguel; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Boronat, Pablo; García Fernández, Luis Amable IEEE (2022-11-07)
      Team project-based learning (TPBL) combines two learning techniques: 1) project-based learning (PBL) and 2) teamwork. This combination leverages the learning outcomes of both methods and places students in a real work ...
    • closedAccess   Forecasting Adverse Weather Situations in the Road Network 

      Tomás, Vicente R.; Pla-Castells, Marta; Martínez, Juan José; Martínez-Cantó, Javier Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2016-08)
      Weather is an important factor that affects traffic flow and road safety. Adverse weather situations affect the driving conditions directly; hence, drivers must be informed about the weather conditions downstream to adapt ...