Listar Departament: Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors por autoría "6ed0595c-32d4-4f5b-aa19-e9a606fc40de"
    • openAccess   Mobile manipulation hackathon: moving into real world applications 

      Roa Garzón, Máximo A.; Dogar, Mehmet; Pagès, Jordi; Vivas, Carlos; Morales, Antonio; CORRELL, NIKOLAUS; Görner, Michael; Rosell, Jan; Foix, Sergi; Memmesheimer, Raphael; Ferro, Francesco IEEE (2021-06)
      The Mobile Manipulation Hackathon was held in late 2018 during the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) to showcase the latest applications of wheeled robotic manipulators. The challenge ...