• openAccess   Problemática del cálculo del impacto a gran escala del ruido del tráfico sobre la salud humana 

      Franco García, Vicente; Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Vidal, Rosario; Moliner Santisteve, Enrique Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      Several difficulties arise in the inclusion of traffic noise as an impact category within the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. First of all, traffic noise -unlike other pollutants typically studied in LCA- is not ...
    • openAccess   Evolución del impacto medioambiental de los retrovisores de vehículos. Evaluación mediante análisis del ciclo de vida 

      Muñoz Marzá, Carlos; Vilar Vilar, Maite; Garraín Cordero, Daniel Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      The latest European Commission directives on air pollution due to road vehicles demand that CO2 emissions be reduced, given their contribution to global warming. Thus, car manufacturers are adopting new strategies based ...
    • openAccess   Ocupación y transformación del suelo de las carreteras españolas 

      Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Vidal, Rosario; Franco García, Vicente Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      The term ‘land use’ is traditionally used to denote a classification of human activities which occupy land area. In the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the terms ‘land use’ or ‘land use impact’ have been used to ...
    • openAccess   Metodología para evaluar el impacto del ruido de los vehículos pesados sobre la salud humana. Aplicación al clúster cerámico de Castellón 

      Moliner Santisteve, Enrique; Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Franco García, Vicente Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      Noise emitted by road traffic is one of the major issues affecting human health and well-being, especially in urban environments. In our study we develop a methodology to quantify the impact of traffic noise upon human ...
    • openAccess   Las Ontologías y el marco FBS 

      Cebrián Tarrasón, David; Vidal, Rosario Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      In the past years there have been great advances in the development of ontologies applied to the field of engineering design, essentially in functional and structural models. A great diversity of methodologies for the ...
    • openAccess   Impacto medioambiental de los procesos de recubrimiento metálico de termoplásticos comerciales 

      Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Vidal, Rosario; Franco García, Vicente; Martínez Sebastiá, Pilar; Muñoz Marzá, Carlos Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      Thermoplastic materials used in the field of electronics are usually given a metallic surface coating treatment after their shaping process. The purpose of this -aesthetic changes aside-, is to create an electrically ...
    • openAccess   La categoría de impacto de ruido en los análisis de ciclo de vida 

      Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Franco García, Vicente; Vidal, Rosario; Moliner Santisteve, Enrique; Casanova Moreno, Sonia Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is used to evaluate environmental impacts by grouping the negative effects upon the environment of a given product or process into a reduced set of impact categories. Global ...
    • closedAccess   A modified elastic foundation contact model for application in 3D models of the prosthetic knee 

      Pérez-González, Antonio; Fenollosa Esteve, Carlos; Sancho-Bru, Joaquin L.; Sanchez-Marin, Francisco; Vergara, Margarita; Rodríguez Cervantes, Pablo Jesús Elsevier (2008)
      Different models have been used in the literature for the simulation of surface contact in biomechanical knee models. However, there is a lack of systematic comparisons of these models applied to the simulation of a common ...
    • closedAccess   Design of a model to assess the environmental risk of leachate dams 

      Colomer Mendoza, Francisco José; Gallardo Izquierdo, Antonio Elsevier (2008)
      Leachate dams store very toxic liquids, leachate, that contain a large amount of pollutant substances. Most of them are located in gullies or ravines, so if a dam breaks, leachate would advance downstream provoking an ...
    • openAccess   Aplicabilidad de B-CUBE al sector servicios 

      Chulvi, Vicente; Vidal, Rosario Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2008)
      With the concept of globalization and the delegation of the tasks that major manpower need, the core of the economy of the capitals of the major world powers has derived to the tertiary sector (services sector). In this ...
    • openAccess   Máquina para la automatización de la fabricación de probetas de hormigón fresco para el control de calidad en la construcción 

      Pérez-González, Antonio; Sancho-Bru, Joaquin L.; Sanchis LLopis, Roberto Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica (2008)
      In this work a new machine is presented for automating sample preparation in the quality control process of concrete structures. The machine is fixed in an industrial vehicle and is energized with its batteries. In the ...
    • openAccess   Heuristic guidelines to support conceptual design 

      Vidal, Rosario; Mulet, Elena Springer Verlag (2008)
      The creativity or unforeseeable nature of the design process, especially during the conceptual phase, makes it difficult to apply current design methodologies to aid designers and help them to reach a conceptual solution ...
    • openAccess   Ingeniería Kansei. Una potente metodología aplicada al diseño emocional 

      Vergara, Margarita; Mondragón Donés, Salvador Cadius (2008)
      En el mercado actual, el consumidor no valora únicamente la funcionalidad, usabilidad, seguridad y adecuado precio de los productos, sino también las emociones y los sentimientos que le proporcionan. En consecuencia, y ...
    • openAccess   Scalability of the Muscular Action in a Parametric 3D Model of the Index Finger 

      Sancho-Bru, Joaquin L.; Vergara, Margarita; Rodríguez Cervantes, Pablo Jesús; Giurintano, David J.; Pérez-González, Antonio Springer Verlag (2008)
      A method for scaling the muscle action is proposed and used to achieve a 3D inverse dynamic model of the human finger with all its components scalable. This method is based on scaling the PCSA (physiological cross-sectional ...
    • openAccess   Flow Structure of Subcooled Boiling Water Flow in a Subchannel of 3 x 3 Rod Bundles 

      Juliá Bolívar, José Enrique; Yun, Byong-Jo; Park, Goon-Cherl; Hibiki, Takashi Atomic Energy Society of Japan (2008)
      In this paper, the interfacial flow structure of subcooled water boiling flow in a subchannel of 3 x 3 rod bundles is presented. The 9 rods are positioned in a quadrangular assembly with a rod diameter of 8.2mm and a ...
    • closedAccess   Activity modelling in a collaborative ceramic tile design chain: an enhanced IDEF0 approach 

      Romero Subirón, Fernando; Company, Pedro; Agost, Maria-Jesus; Vila, Carlos Springer-Verlag (2008)
      Explicit descriptions of should-be and to-be activities and processes are key elements in implementing industrial projects aimed at improving new-product development (NPD) processes, especially when e-collaboration utilities ...
    • openAccess   Contaminación atmosférica de las carreteras españolas 

      Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Vidal, Rosario Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España (2008)
      En este estudio se ha llevado a cabo la evaluación del impacto medioambiental que se produce por el uso de las carreteras españolas desde 2004 hasta 2006. Posteriormente, mediante la aplicación de la metodología de Análisis ...
    • openAccess   Las declaraciones de impacto ambiental en estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales 

      Fornás Collado, Vicente; Colomer Mendoza, Francisco José TIASA (2008)
      Se hace patente el principio de prevención como guía de la política medioambiental, estableciendo en las DIAs la adopción de todas aquellas medidas que eviten impactos. La minimización, que se muestra en la necesidad de ...
    • closedAccess   Experimental evaluation of the energy efficiency of a CO2 refrigerating plant working in transcritical conditions 

      Cabello López, Ramón; Sánchez García-Vacas, Daniel; Llopis, Rodrigo; Torrella Alcaraz, Enrique (2008)
      This work presents the experimental evaluation of the energy efficiency and optimal gas-cooler pressures of a single-stage refrigerating plant working with carbon dioxide as refrigerant in transcritical conditions. The ...
    • openAccess   Análisis del ciclo de vida del reciclado del polietileno de alta densidad 

      Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Vidal, Rosario; Franco García, Vicente; Martínez Sebastiá, Pilar Reed Business Information (2008-05)
      Thermoplastics make up roughly 80% of the plastics produced today. There are hundreds of types of them and new variations are being developed. But not all thermoplastics are recyclable in the same proportion. The most ...