Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • openAccess   ABA Is Required for Plant Acclimation to a Combination of Salt and Heat Stress 

      Suzuki, Nobuhiro; Bassil, Elias; Hamilton, Jason S.; Inupakutika, Madhuri; I Zandalinas, Sara; Tripathy, Deesha; Luo, Yuting; Dion, Erin; Fukui, Ginga; Kumazaki, Ayana; Nakano, Ruka; Rivero, Rosa M; Verbeck, Guido F.; Azad, Rajeev K.; Blumwald, Eduardo; Mittler, Ron Public Library Science (2016-01-29)
      Abiotic stresses such as drought, heat or salinity are a major cause of yield loss worldwide. Recent studies revealed that the acclimation of plants to a combination of different environmental stresses is unique and cannot ...
    • openAccess   ABA is required for the accumulation of APX1 and MBF1c during a combination of water deficit and heat stress 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Arbona, Vicent; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Inupakutika, Madhuri; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2016-08)
      Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a key role in plant acclimation to abiotic stress. Although recent studies suggested that ABA could also be important for plant acclimation to a combination of abiotic stresses, its role in this ...
    • openAccess   Citrus rootstocks modify scion antioxidant system under drought and heat stress combination 

      Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Terán, Fátima; dos Reis de Oliveira, Tadeu; Santa-Catarina, Claudete; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio Springer Nature (2021-07-07)
      Climate change is altering weather conditions such as mean temperatures and precipitation patterns. Rising temperatures, especially in certain regions, accelerates soil water depletion and increases drought risk, which ...
    • openAccess   Developing climate-resilient crops: improving plant tolerance to stress combination 

      Rivero, Rosa M; Mittler, Ron; Blumwald, Eduardo; I Zandalinas, Sara Wiley (2021-09-05)
      Global warming and climate change are driving an alarming increase in the frequency and intensity of different abiotic stresses, such as droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, and flooding, negatively affecting crop yields and ...
    • closedAccess   Evidence for a Role of Gibberellins in Salicylic Acid-Modulated Early Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress in Arabidopsis Seeds 

      Alonso Ramírez, Ana; Rodríguez, Dolores; Reyes, David; Jiménez, Jesús Ángel; Nicolás, Gregorio; López Climent, María Fernanda; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Nicolás, Carlos American Society of Plant Biologists (2009)
      Exogenous application of gibberellic acid (GA3) was able to reverse the inhibitory effect of salt, oxidative, and heat stresses in the germination and seedling establishment of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), this ...
    • openAccess   Grafting improves tolerance to combined drought and heat stresses by modifying metabolism in citrus scion 

      Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Rambla, José L.; Granell, Antonio; Arbona, Vicent; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio Elsevier (2022-01-22)
      Mediterranean basin and other citrus-growing areas, such as Florida or California, are among the most vulnerable regions to the impacts of global warming. Therefore, citrus will be likely subjected to increasing periods ...
    • closedAccess   Integration of reactive oxygen species and hormone signaling during abiotic stress 

      Devireddy, Amith R; I Zandalinas, Sara; Fichman, Yosef; Mittler, Ron John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2020-10-04)
      Each year, abiotic stress conditions such as drought, heat, salinity, cold and particularly their different combinations, inflict a heavy toll on crop productivity worldwide. The effects of these adverse conditions on plant ...
    • openAccess   Metabolic and Regulatory Responses in Citrus rootstock in Response to Adverse Environmental Conditions 

      Argamasilla, Rosa; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Arbona, Vicent Springer Verlag (2014-06)
      In response to adverse environmental conditions, plants modify their metabolism to adapt to the new conditions. To differentiate common responses to abiotic stress from specific adaptation to a certain stress condition, ...
    • openAccess   Novel and widely spread citrus rootstocks behavior in response to salt stress 

      Modica, Giulia; Di Guardo, Mario; Puglisi, Ivana; Baglieri, Andrea; Fortuna, Sefora; Arcidiacono, Fabio; Costantino, Daria; La Malfa, Stefano; Gentile, Alessandra; Arbona, Vicent; Continella, Alberto Elsevier (2024-06-08)
      Irrigation water salinity is a major limiting factor in arid and semi-arid environments. The use of rootstock is one of the appropriate agronomic techniques that attempt to support and limit the negative effect of salinity. ...
    • openAccess   Plant responses to multifactorial stress combination 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron Wiley (2022-03-12)
      Human activity is causing a global change in plant environment that includes a significant increase in the number and intensity of different stress factors. These include combinations of multiple abiotic and biotic stressors ...
    • openAccess   Revisión: Interacciones hormonales en la respuesta frente al estrés abiótico 

      de Ollas, Carlos; Manzi Fraga, Matías Jesús; Arbona, Vicent Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal (2014-01)
      Los organismos sésiles como las plantas no pueden escapar de las condiciones adversas que frecuentemente afectan su crecimiento y desarrollo. Las plantas disparan diferentes mecanismos para ajustarse a las condiciones de ...
    • openAccess   Root Involvement in Plant Responses to Adverse Environmental Conditions 

      Vives-Peris, Vicente; López Climent, María Fernanda; Perez-Clemente, Rosa Maria; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio MDPI (2020)
      limate change is altering the environment in which plants grow and survive. An increase in worldwide Earth surface temperatures has been already observed, together with an increase in the intensity of other abiotic stress ...
    • openAccess   The ATAF1 transcription factor: At the convergence point of ABA-dependent plant defense against biotic and abiotic stresses 

      Mauch-Mani, Brigitte; Flors, Victor Nature Publishing Group (2009)
      Because of their sessile lifestyle, plants have evolved sophisticated ways of coping with the various biotic and abiotic stresses they can encounter during their life. There is increasing evidence that transcription ...
    • openAccess   Vascular and nonvascular transmission of systemic reactive oxygen signals during wounding and heat stress 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron American Society of Plant Biologists (2021-04-05)
      Sensing of heat, high light (HL), or mechanical injury by a single leaf of a plant results in the activation of different systemic signals that reach systemic tissues within minutes and trigger systemic acquired acclimation ...