• openAccess   Impact of Oxygen Vacancy Occupancy on Charge Carrier Dynamics in BiVO4 Photoanodes 

      Selim, Shababa; Pastor , Ernest; García-Tecedor, Miguel; Morris, Madeleine; Francàs Forcada, Laia; Sachs, Michael; Moss, Benjamin; Corby, Sacha; Mesa, Camilo A.; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Kafizas, Andreas; Bakulin, Artem; Durrant, James American Chemical Society (2019-11-27)
      Oxygen vacancies are ubiquitous in metal oxides and critical to performance, yet the impact of these states upon charge carrier dynamics important for photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic applications remains contentious ...
    • closedAccess   Photoelectrochemical water splitting with dual-photoelectrode tandem and parallel configurations: Enhancing light harvesting and carrier collection efficiencies 

      Keshavarzi, Reza; Mousavian, Mahlasadat; Omrani, MirKazem; Mirkhani, Valiollah; Afzali, Niloufar; Mesa, Camilo A.; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj; Giménez Juliá, Sixto Elsevier (2023)
      Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting stands out as one of the most promising technologies to store solar energy into chemical bonds and decarbonize industry and transport. In the present study, we develop ...
    • openAccess   Ru-based nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotubes for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution: structural and electronic effects 

      Romero, Núria; Fenoll, Dídac A.; Gil Jiménez, Laia; Campos Jara, Sergi; Creus, Jordi; Martí Balaguer, Gerard; Heras-Domingo, Javier; Collière, Vincent; Mesa, Camilo A.; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Francàs Forcada, Laia; Rodriguez-Santiago, Luís; Solans Monfort, Xavier; Sodupe, Mariona; Bofill, Roger; PHILIPPOT, Karine; García-Antón, Jordi; Sala, Xavier Royal Society of Chemistry (2023-10-10)
      The performance of Ru-based nanoparticles (NPs) in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) relies on both their structural properties and the oxidation state of the metal. Herein, the versatility of the organometallic approach ...
    • openAccess   The role of crystal facets and disorder on photo-electrosynthesis 

      Pastor, Ernest; Montañés, Laura; Gutiérrez-Blanco, Ana; Hegner, Franziska; Mesa, Camilo A.; Lopez, Nuria; Giménez Juliá, Sixto Royal Society of Chemistry (2022-09-23)
      Photoelectrochemistry has the potential to play a crucial role in the storage of solar energy and the realisation of a circular economy. From a chemical viewpoint, achieving high conversion efficiencies requires subtle ...
    • openAccess   Water oxidation kinetics of nanoporous BiVO4 photoanodes functionalised with nickel/iron oxyhydroxide electrocatalysts 

      Francàs Forcada, Laia; Selim, Shababa; Corby, Sacha; Lee, Dongho; Mesa, Camilo A.; Pastor , Ernest; Choi, Kyoung-Shin; Durrant, James Royal Society of Chemistry (2021-04-15)
      In this work, spectroelectrochemical techniques are employed to analyse the catalytic water oxidation performance of a series of three nickel/iron oxyhydroxide electrocatalysts deposited on FTO and BiVO4, at neutral pH. ...