Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • openAccess   A Heuristic Based on the Intrinsic Dimensionality for Reducing the Number of Cyclic DTW Comparisons in Shape Classification and Retrieval Using AESA 

      Palazón González, Vicente; Marzal Varó, Andrés Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      Cyclic Dynamic Time Warping (CDTW) is a good dissimilarity of shape descriptors of high dimensionality based on contours, but it is computationally expensive. For this reason, to perform recognition tasks, a method to ...
    • openAccess   Assessment of Financial Risk Prediction Models with Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods 

      Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador; García, Vicente; Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      A wide range of classification models have been explored for financial risk prediction, but conclusions on which technique behaves better may vary when different performance evaluation measures are employed. Accordingly, ...
    • openAccess   Combining Probabilistic Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Retrieval 

      García Moya, Lisette; Anaya Sánchez, Henry; Berlanga Llavori, Rafael Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      In this paper, we present a new methodology aimed at retrieving relevant product aspects from a collection of customer reviews, as well as the most salient sentiments expressed about them. Our proposal is both unsupervised ...
    • closedAccess   Continuous Level of Detail for Large Scale Rendering of 3D Animated Polygonal Models 

      Ramos, Jose Francisco; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Chover, Miguel Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      Current simulation applications are mainly focused on the efficient management of scenarios with static objects. However, managing dynamic objects, such as animated characters, is very different and requires more specific ...
    • closedAccess   Edited Nearest Neighbor Rule for Improving Neural Networks Classifications 

      Alejo Eleuterio, Roberto; Martínez Sotoca, José; Valdovinos Rosas, Rosa María; Toribio Luna, Primitivo Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2010)
      The quality and size of the training data sets is a critical stage on the ability of the artificial neural networks to generalize the characteristics of the training examples. Several approaches are focused to form training ...
    • openAccess   EM Training of Hidden Markov Models for Shape Recognition Using Cyclic Strings 

      Palazón González, Vicente; Marzal Varó, Andrés; Vilar Torres, Juan Miguel Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
      Shape descriptions and the corresponding matching techniques must be robust to noise and invariant to transformations for their use in recognition tasks. Most transformations are relatively easy to handle when contours are ...
    • closedAccess   Gait Recognition by Ranking 

      Martín Félez, Raúl; Xiang, Tao Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      The advantage of gait over other biometrics such as face or fingerprint is that it can operate from a distance and without subject cooperation. However, this also makes gait subject to changes in various covariate conditions ...
    • closedAccess   Gender Classification from Pose-Based GEIs 

      Martín Félez, Raúl; Mollineda, Ramón A.; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      This paper introduces a new approach for gait-based gender classification in which some key biomechanical poses of a gait pattern are represented by partial Gait Energy Images (GEIs). These pose-based GEIs can more accurately ...
    • openAccess   Improving Risk Predictions by Preprocessing Imbalanced Credit Data 

      García, Vicente; Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      Imbalanced credit data sets refer to databases in which the class of defaulters is heavily under-represented in comparison to the class of non-defaulters. This is a very common situation in real-life credit scoring ...
    • closedAccess   Mobile Access to Sensor Network: A Use Case on Wildfire Monitoring 

      Trilles, Sergio; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Huerta, Joaquin Springer International Publishing (2014)
      These networks provide large volumes of data in many different formats, resolution and scales. The data are of different types and character: from meteorological conditions to air quality and the concentrations of pollutants ...
    • openAccess   Mobile Application for Noise Pollution Monitoring through Gamification Techniques 

      García-Martí, Irene; Benedito-Bordonau, Mauri; Trilles, Sergio; Beltran Fonollosa, Arturo; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Huerta, Joaquin; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis E. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      Full data coverage of urban environments is crucial to monitor the status of the area to detect, for instance, trends and detrimental environmental changes. Collecting observations related to environmental factors such as ...
    • closedAccess   Multi-spectral Texture Characterisation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation 

      Pla, Filiberto; Gracia, Gema; García-Sevilla, Pedro; Mirmehdi, Majid; Xie, Xianghua Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      A multi-spectral texture characterisation model is proposed, the Multi-spectral Local Differences Texem – MLDT, as an affordable approach to be used in multi-spectral images that may contain large number of bands. The MLDT ...
    • closedAccess   One-Sided Prototype Selection on Class Imbalanced Dissimilarity Matrices 

      Millán Giraldo, Mónica; García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
      In the dissimilarity representation paradigm, several prototype selection methods have been used to cope with the topic of how to select a small representation set for generating a low-dimensional dissimilarity space. In ...
    • closedAccess   Parallel Interconnection of Broadcast Systems with Multiple FIFO Channels 

      De Juan Marín, Rubén; Cholvi, Vicent; Jiménez, Ernesto; Muñoz Escoí, Francesc D. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      This paper proposes new protocols for the interconnection of FIFO- and causal-ordered broadcast systems, thus increasing their scalability. They use several interconnection links between systems, which avoids bottleneck ...
    • closedAccess   Relief Patterned-Tile Classification for Automatic Tessella Assembly 

      Sanchiz Martí, José Miguel; Badenas Carpio, Jorge; Forcada Sánchez, Francisco José Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2010)
      This paper presents the detection and classification part of an industrial machine for automated assembly of decorative tessellae over patterned tiles that have significant reliefs. The machine consists of two vision systems ...
    • closedAccess   Scale Analysis of Several Filter Banks for Color Texture Classification 

      Rajadell Rojas, Olga; García-Sevilla, Pedro; Pla, Filiberto Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      We present a study of the contribution of the different scales used by several feature extraction methods based on filter banks for color texture classification. Filter banks used for textural characterization purposes are ...
    • closedAccess   Textural Features for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification 

      Rajadell Rojas, Olga; García-Sevilla, Pedro; Pla, Filiberto Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
      Hyperspectral remote sensing provides data in large amounts from a wide range of wavelengths in the spectrum and the possibility of distinguish subtle differences in the image. For this reason, the process of band selection ...