Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • openAccess   A dichotomy property for locally compact groups 

      Ferrer González, María Vicenta; Hernández, Salvador; Tárrega Ruiz, Luis Elsevier (2018-08)
      We extend to metrizable locally compact groups Rosenthal's theorem describing those Banach spaces containing no copy of l1. For that purpose, we transfer to general locally compact groups the notion of interpolation (Io) ...
    • openAccess   Contributions to the Bohr topology by W.W. Comfort 

      Hernández, Salvador; Remus, Dieter; Trigos, Javier Elsevier (2019)
      The important rôle that W. W. Comfort played in the study of the Bohr topology is described.
    • openAccess   The weak compactification of locally compact groups 

      Ferrer, María V.; Hernández, Salvador Elsevier (2021)
      We further investigate the weak topology generated by the irreducible unitary representations of a group G. A deep result due to Ernest [13] and Hughes [22] asserts that every weakly compact subset of a locally compact ...
    • openAccess   When a totally bounded group topology is the Bohr topology of a LCA group 

      Hernández, Salvador; Trigos, Javier Elsevier (2019-06-01)
      We look at the Bohr topology of maximally almost periodic groups (MAP, for short). Among other results, we investigate when a Hausdorff precompact abelian group (G; w) is the Bohr re ection of a locally compact abelian ...