Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • closedAccess   A Multiresolution Approach to Render 3D Models 

      Ramos, Jose Francisco; Chover, Miguel; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique IOS Press (2013)
      Image synthesis techniques are present in a wide range of applications as they leverage the amount of information required for creating realistic visualizations. For fast hardware rendering they usually employ a triangle-based ...
    • openAccess   Real-time tessellation of terrain on graphics hardware 

      Puig Centelles, Anna; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Chover, Miguel Elsevier (2012-04)
      Synthetic terrain is a key element in many applications, which can lessen the sense of realism if it is not handled correctly. We propose a new technique for visualizing terrain surfaces by tessellating them on the GPU. ...
    • openAccess   View-Dependent Tessellation and Simulation of Ocean Surfaces 

      Puig Centelles, Anna; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Chover, Miguel; Sbert Casasayas, Mateu Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014-02)
      Modeling and rendering realistic ocean scenes have been thoroughly investigated for many years. Its appearance has been studied and it is possible to find very detailed simulations where a high degree of realism is achieved. ...
    • closedAccess   Visualization of level-of-detail meshes on the GPU 

      Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Chover, Miguel Springer Verlag (2011-09-01)
      Extensive research has been carried out in multiresolution models for many decades. The tendency in recent years has been to harness the potential of GPUs to perform the level-of-detail extraction on graphics hardware. The ...