• openAccess   Femtosecond filamentation in sapphire with diffractive lenses 

      Borrego Varillas, Rocío; Romero, Carolina; Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Gallardo, I.; Vázquez de Aldana, Javier R. Optical Society of America (2013)
      In this paper, we demonstrate novel properties in the phenomenology of supercontinuum generation in sapphire with diffractive lenses and provide a complete spatial, spectral, and temporal characterization of the so-generated ...
    • closedAccess   Femtosecond laser micromachining with extended depth of focus by using diffractive lenses 

      Torres Peiró, Salvador; González Ausejo, Jennifer; Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Lancis, Jesús Elsevier (2014-06-01)
      We show that a simple diffraction focusing element can alleviate mechanical tolerances in ultrafast laser microprocessing. In particular, we experimentally demonstrate that, in comparison with a conventional refractive ...
    • openAccess   Femtosecond laser settings for optimal bracket bonding to zirconia 

      García-Sanz, Verónica; Paredes-Gallardo, Vanessa; Bellot-Arcís, Carlos; Martínez-León, Lluís; Torres-Mendieta, Rafael; Montero, Javier; Albadalejo, Alberto Springer Verlag (2018)
      Bonding orthodontic brackets to ceramic materials is a challenging procedure; femtosecond (FS) laser conditioning could provide improved results, but the ideal settings for effective bracket-zirconia bonding have never ...
    • openAccess   Femtosecond-laser-irradiation-induced structural organization and crystallinity of Bi2WO6 

      Pinatti, Ivo M; Gouveia, Amanda; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Longo, Elson Nature Research (2020)
      Controlling the structural organization and crystallinity of functional oxides is key to enhancing their performance in technological applications. In this work, we report a strong enhancement of the structural organization ...
    • openAccess   Filter-Type Variable Selection Based on Information Measures for Regression Tasks 

      Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Martínez Sotoca, José; Pla, Filiberto MDPI AG (2012)
      This paper presents a supervised variable selection method applied to regression problems. This method selects the variables applying a hierarchical clustering strategy based on information measures. The proposed technique ...
    • openAccess   Financial distress prediction using the hybrid associative memory with translation 

      Cleofás Sánchez, Laura; García, Vicente; Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Elsevier (2016)
      This paper presents an alternative technique for financial distress prediction systems. The method is based on a type of neural network, which is called hybrid associative memory with translation. While many different ...
    • openAccess   First Dirichlet Eigenvalue and Exit Time Moment Spectra Comparisons 

      Palmer, Vicente; Sarrión-Pedralva, Erik Springer (2023)
    • closedAccess   First- and Second-Order Characteristics of Spatio-Temporal Point Processes on Linear Networks 

      Moradi, Mehdi; Mateu, Jorge American Statistical Association (2019-12-23)
      We present several characteristics for spatio-temporal point patterns when the spatial locations are restricted to a linear network. A nonparametric kernel-based intensity estimator is proposed to highlight the concentration ...
    • closedAccess   Flat-top ultra-wideband photonic filters based on mutual coherence function synthesis 

      Torres Company, Víctor; Lancis, Jesús; Andrés, Pedro Elsevier (2008)
      A novel all-incoherent optical circuit that allows for band-pass microwave-photonic filter design is presented and verified through numerical simulation. In contrast to conventional spectrum-sliced optical architectures ...
    • openAccess   FloU-Net: An Optical Flow Network for Multi-modal Self-Supervised Image Registration 

      Ibáñez Fernández, Damián; Fernández Beltrán, Rubén; Pla, Filiberto Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2023)
      Image registration is an essential task in image processing, where the final objective is to geometrically align two or more images. In remote sensing, this process allows comparing, fusing or analyzing data, specially ...
    • openAccess   Fomentando el contacto entre alumnado y empresas para las prácticas externas integradas con el Trabajo Final de Grado 

      Castaño Álvarez, Mª Asunción; Museros, Lledó; Lopez, Angeles; Grangel Seguer, Reyes JENUI Editores (2021)
      El Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universitat Jaume I integra la realización de prácticas externas y el Trabajo de Final de Grado (TFG) en una sola asignatura, en la que los estudiantes desarrollan un proyecto durante ...
    • openAccess   Formation of Polyacetylene Films on Copper Substrate by Abnormal Glow Discharge 

      Sarmiento Santos, Armando; Gómez Castaño, Jovanny A.; ALVAREZ LUNA, BRENDA MILEIDY; Redondo Lancheros, William Fernando; García Zúñiga, Jaime Universidad Industrial de Santander (2023)
      The formation of polymeric films by plasma has become an alternative for the coating of metallic materials that require varying their surface characteristics and improving their resistance to corrosion; because by this ...
    • openAccess   Free-Motion Beam Propagation Factor Measurement by Means of a Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator 

      Pérez Vizcaíno, Jorge; Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Martinez Cuenca, Raul; Martínez-León, Lluís; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Lancis, Jesús Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2012)
      In contrast to the mechanical scanning procedure described in the standard ISO/DIS 11146, the use of electronically tunable focal length lenses has proved its capability for the measurement of the laser beam propagation ...
    • openAccess   Frequency resolved wavefront retrieval and dynamics of diffractive focused ultrashort pulses 

      Alonso, Benjamín; Borrego Varillas, Rocío; Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Sola, Íñigo Juan; San Román, Julio; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Roso, Luis Optical Society of America (2012-08)
      In this work we demonstrate the ability of the spatiotemporal characterization technique STARFISH to retrieve the wavelength dependent wavefront of focused ultrashort laser pulses. The high resolution achievable with this ...
    • closedAccess   Frequency Stability Requirements in Quasi-Integer-Ratio Time-Expanded Phase-Sensitive OTDR 

      Soriano-Amat, Miguel; Martins, Hugo; Durán, Vicente; Fermoso, Pablo; Martin-Lopez, Sonia; Gonzalez-Herraez, Miguel; Fernández Ruiz, María del Rosario IEEE (2023-01-15)
      Time-expanded phase sensitive (TE-ϕ)OTDR is a recently reported technique for distributed fiber sensing that relies on the use of an electro-optic dual frequency comb (DFC) scheme. A distinctive feature of this approach ...
    • openAccess   From Complex Inorganic Oxides to Ag–Bi Nanoalloy: Synthesis by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation 

      Machado, Thales Rafael; Guerra Macedo, Nadia; Assis, Marcelo de; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Teixeira, Mayara Mondego; Foggi, Camila Cristina; Vergani, Carlos; Beltrán Mir, Héctor; Andres, Juan; Cordoncillo, Eloisa; Longo, Elson American Chemical Society (2018-08-24)
      Bimetallic nanoalloys with a wide variety of structures and compositions have been fabricated through many diverse techniques. Generally, various steps and chemicals are involved in their fabrication. In this study, the ...
    • openAccess   Full-Color Stereoscopic Imaging With a Single-Pixel Photodetector 

      Salvador Balaguer, Eva; Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Pla, Filiberto; Lancis, Jesús Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2016)
      We present an optical system for stereoscopic color imaging by using a single-pixel detector. The system works by illuminating the input scene with a sequence of microstructured light patterns generated by a color digital ...
    • openAccess   Functional marked point processes: a natural structure to unify spatio-temporal frameworks and to analyse dependent functional data 

      Ghorbani, M.; Cronie, Ottmar; Mateu, Jorge; Yu, Jun Springer (2020)
      This paper treats functional marked point processes (FMPPs), which are defined asmarked point processes where the marks are random elements in some (Polish) func-tion space. Such marks may represent, for example, spatial ...
    • openAccess   Fundamentals of automated human gesture recognition using 3D integral imaging: a tutorial 

      Javidi, Bahram; Pla, Filiberto; Martínez Sotoca, José; Shen, Xin; Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Martínez Corral, Manuel; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Krishnan, Gokul Optical Society of America (2020-12-31)
      Automated human gesture recognition is receiving significant research interest, with applications ranging from novel acquisition techniques to algorithms, data processing, and classification methodologies. This tutorial ...
    • openAccess   Future Internet technologies for Environmental Applications 

      Granell, Carlos; Havlik, Denis; Schade, Sven; Sabeur, Zoheir; Delaney, Conor; Pielorz, Jasmin; Usländer, Thomas; Mazzetti, Paolo; Schleidt, Katharina; Kobernus, Mike; Havlik, Fuada; Rune Bodsberg, Nils; Berre, Arne; Mon, Jose Lorenzo Elsevier (2016)
      This paper investigates the usability of Future Internet technologies (aka “Generic Enablers of the Future Internet”) in the context of environmental applications. The paper incorporates the best aspects of the state-of-the-art ...