Now showing items 177-196 of 862

    • openAccess   Collaborative Indoor Positioning Systems: A Systematic Review 

      Pascacio, Pavel; Casteleyn, Sven; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Lohan, Elena Simona; Nurmi, Jari MDPI (2021)
      Research and development in Collaborative Indoor Positioning Systems (CIPSs) is growing steadily due to their potential to improve on the performance of their non-collaborative counterparts. In contrast to the outdoors ...
    • openAccess   Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples 

      Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Miñana Prats, Juan José; Morillas, Samuel Springer (2020-04)
      Colour image smoothing is a challenging task because it is necessary to appropriately distinguish between noise and original structures, and to smooth noise conveniently. In addition, this processing must take into account ...
    • openAccess   Common-Path Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Using a Single Electro-Optic Modulator 

      Soriano-Amat, Miguel; Soto, Marcelo; Durán, Vicente; Martins, Hugo; Martin-Lopez, Sonia; Gonzalez-Herraez, Miguel; Fernández Ruiz, María del Rosario IEEE (2020-09-15)
      Dual frequency comb (DFC) spectroscopy using electro-optic comb generators stands out for its flexibility, easy implementation, and low cost. Typically, two combs with different line spacing are generated from a common ...
    • closedAccess   Comparative Study of Interaction Methods for Mobile Gaming While Running on a Treadmill 

      Marin-Lora, Carlos; Chover, Miguel; Martin, Micaela Yanet; García Rytman, Linda Elsevier (2023-10-26)
      Mobile video games that integrate physical activity, such as treadmill running, offer a unique combination of entertainment and exercise. This study presents a comparative evaluation of interaction methods used in mobile ...
    • openAccess   Comparing the Performance of Indoor Localization Systems through the EvAAL Framework 

      Potortì, Francesco; Park, Sangjoon; Jimenez Ruiz, Antonio Ramon; Barsocchi, Paolo; GIROLAMI, MICHELE; Crivello, Antonino; Lee, So-Yeon; Lim, Jae Hyun; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Seco, Fernando; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Mendoza-Silva, Germán Martín; María del Carmen, Pérez Rubio; Cristina, Losada Gutiérrez; Espinosa, Felipe; Macias-Guarasa, Javier MDPI (2017)
      In recent years, indoor localization systems have been the object of significant research activity and of growing interest for their great expected social impact and their impressive business potential. Application areas ...
    • openAccess   Comparison of exit moment spectra for extrinsic metric balls 

      Hurtado, Ana; Markvorsen, Steen; Palmer Andreu, Vicente Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (2012)
      We prove explicit upper and lower bounds for the L1-moment spectra for the Brownian motion exit time from extrinsic metric balls of submanifolds Pm in ambient Riemannian spaces Nn. We assume that P and N both have ...
    • openAccess   Comparison of Nitrogen Dioxide Predictions During a Pandemic and Non-pandemic Scenario in the City of Madrid using a Convolutional LSTM Network 

      Iskandaryan, Ditsuhi; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Trilles, Sergio World Scientific (2022-06-22)
      Traditionally, machine learning technologies with the methods and capabilities available, combined with a geospatial dimension, can perform predictive analyzes of air quality with greater accuracy. However, air pollution ...
    • openAccess   Comparison results for capacity 

      Hurtado, Ana; Palmer Andreu, Vicente; Ritoré, Manuel Indiana University Mathematics Journal (2012)
      We obtain in this paper bounds for the capacity of a compact set $K$. If $K$ is contained in an $(n+1)$-dimensional Cartan-Hadamard manifold, has smooth boundary, and the principal curvatures of $\partial K$ are larger ...
    • openAccess   Complementing the European earth observation and geographic information body of knowledge with a business‐oriented perspective 

      Hofer, Barbara; Casteleyn, Sven; Aguilar Moreno, Estefanía; Missoni‐Steinbacher, Eva‐Maria; Albrecht, Florian; Lemmens, Rob; Lang, Stefan; Albrecht, Jochen; Stelmaszczuk-Górska, Martyna A.; Vancauwenberghe, Glenn; Monfort Muriach, Aida Wiley (2020)
      A body of knowledge (BoK) is an inventory of knowledge or concepts of a domain that serves as a reference vocabulary for various purposes, such as the development of curricula, the preparation of job descriptions, and the ...
    • openAccess   Complex shaping of the depth of focus 

      Mendoza-Yero, Omel Optical Society of America (2020)
      In this manuscript an exact solution to the inverse problem of axial beam shaping along the focus of a convergent lens is found. This allows to extend, within the framework of the scalar theory of diffraction, the mathematical ...
    • openAccess   Comprehensive analysis of distance and similarity measures for Wi-Fi fingerprinting indoor positioning systems 

      Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Trilles, Sergio; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Huerta, Joaquin Elsevier (2015)
      Recent advances in indoor positioning systems led to a business interest in those applications and services where a precise localization is crucial. Wi-Fi fingerprinting based on machine learning and expert systems are ...
    • openAccess   Compressive holography with a single-pixel detector 

      Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Durán, Vicente; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Andrés, Pedro; Climent, Vicent; Lancis, Jesús Optical Society of America (2013)
      This Letter develops a framework for digital holography at optical wavelengths by merging phase-shifting interferometry with single-pixel optical imaging based on compressive sensing. The field diffracted by an input object ...
    • closedAccess   Compressive holography with phase-structured illumination 

      Martínez-León, Lluís; Climent, Vicent; Lancis, Jesús; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Mori, Yutaka; Nitta, Kouichi IEEE (2015-06)
      We describe several approaches to perform digital holography with single-pixel detection by using phase-structured illumination and compressive sensing. Single-pixel imaging works by sampling the scene ...
    • openAccess   Compressive imaging in scattering media 

      Durán, Vicente; Soldevila, Fernando; Irles, Esther; Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Andrés, Pedro; Lancis, Jesús Optical Society of America (2015)
      One challenge that has long held the attention of scientists is that of clearly seeing objects hidden by turbid media, as smoke, fog or biological tissue, which has major implications in fields such as remote sensing or ...
    • openAccess   Computational based time-resolved multispectral fluorescence microscopy 

      Ghezzi, Alberto; Lenz, Armin; Soldevila, Fernando; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Vurro, Vito; Bassi, Andrea; Valentini, Gianluca; Farina, Andrea; D'Andrea, Cosimo American Institute of Physics (2023-04)
      Multispectral imaging and time-resolved imaging are two common acquisition schemes in fluorescence microscopy, and their combination can be beneficial to increase specificity. The multidimensionality of the dataset (space, ...
    • openAccess   Computational imaging with a balanced detector 

      Soldevila, Fernando; Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Uribe-Patarroyo, N.; Andrés, Pedro; Lancis, Jesús Nature Publishing (2016-06-29)
      Single-pixel cameras allow to obtain images in a wide range of challenging scenarios, including broad regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and through scattering media. However, there still exist several drawbacks that ...
    • openAccess   Computational uncertainty quantification for random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations via adapted gPC: a comparative case study with random Fröbenius method and Monte Carlo simulation 

      Calatayud, Julia; Cortés, Juan Carlos; Jornet, Marc De Gruyter (2018-12)
      This paper presents a methodology to quantify computationally the uncertainty in a class of differential equations often met in Mathematical Physics, namely random non-autonomous second-order linear differential equations, ...
    • closedAccess   Computational uncertainty quantification for random time‐discrete epidemiological models using adaptive gPC 

      Calatayud, Julia; Cortés, Juan Carlos; Jornet, Marc; Villanueva, Rafael-Jacinto John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2018-10-22)
      Population dynamics models consisting of nonlinear difference equations allow us to get a better understanding of theprocesses involved in epidemiology. Usually, these mathematical models are studied under a deterministic ...
    • openAccess   Conceptual Architecture and Service-oriented Implementation of a Regional Geoportal for Rice Monitoring 

      Granell, Carlos; Miralles, Ignacio; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis E.; González-Pérez, Alberto; Casteleyn, Sven; Busetto, Lorenzo; Pepe, Monica; BOSCHETTI, MIRCO; Huerta, Joaquin (2017-06)
      Agricultural monitoring has greatly benefited from the increased availability of a wide variety of remote-sensed satellite imagery, ground-sensed data (e.g., weather station networks) and crop models, delivering a wealth ...
    • openAccess   Considerations for Designing Context-Aware Mobile Apps for Mental Health Interventions 

      Granell, Carlos; Miralles, Ignacio MDPI (2019-04)
      This work identifies major areas of knowledge and proposes a set of relevant dimensions by area that must be taken into account in the design and delivery of context-aware mobile applications for mental health interventions. ...