Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • openAccess   DAT-CNN: Dual Attention Temporal CNN for Time-Resolving Sentinel-3 Vegetation Indices 

      Ibáñez Fernández, Damián; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Pla, Filiberto; Yokoya, Naoto IEEE (2022-03-22)
      The synergies between Sentinel-3 (S3) and the forthcoming fluorescence explorer (FLEX) mission bring us the opportunity of using S3 vegetation indices (VI) as proxies of the solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) ...
    • openAccess   Revisiting the Dissimilarity Representation in the Context of Regression 

      García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador; Martínez-Peláez, Rafael; Méndez-González, Luis Carlos IEEE (2021-12-02)
      In machine learning, a natural way to represent an instance is by using a feature vector. However, several studies have shown that this representation may not accurately characterize an object. For classification problems, ...
    • openAccess   Sentinel-3 Super-Resolution Based on Dense Multireceptive Channel Attention 

      Fernández, Rafael; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; kang, jian; Pla, Filiberto IEEE (2021-07-16)
      The unprecedented availability of remote sensing data from different complementary Sentinel missions provides increasing opportunities to alleviate the spatial limitations of Sentinel-3 (S3) from an intersensor perspective. ...